Upgrade Phoenix BIOS Hi guys! Im' trying to install 2x2GB on my LG labtop (E510-l.ap11v) but I think my BIOS version is to old and only supports 3GB total. I found a post in this tread where a user made a modified a BIOS version but the post and download link where 2yo and the version had been deleted from the download site. I was wondering if anyone could help me to upgrade my current bios version so that maybe I can solve the memory problem. If it's not possible in anyway to install 2x2GB due to the motherboard it would be nice to have an upgraded BIOS. Right now Im' runnning on 1GB(original) +2GB (corsair upgrade memory) Manufacturer: QUANTA Model: CRESLINE+ICH8M Chipset: INTEL GL960 REV. C0 BIOS Brand: Phoenix Version: XTALSB07 Date: 05/21/2008 I pretty sure I have missed some important details in my description of the problem so please fill in and I will answer as well as I can. Thank you! View attachment 19116