I have tried numerous times and begun another reading fest to try and figure out why it is not activating. Although when I run slmgr.vbs -rilc c:\dell.dd981f15.xrm-ms it says successfully installed. But SLIC_toolkit_v3.2 gives me a Cert Error "No OEM Certificate found !(Run as Adminstrator)" Before you ask, yes I did right click on CMD and ran as administrator. The key loaded correctly but not the cert. Any ideas? Thank you.
Renamed, ran slmgr.vbs -rilc c:\dell.xrm-ms and it claims to have installed correctly. Rebooted. Checked Slictoolkit and everything is okay except I still have a Cert Error "No OEM Certificate found !(Run as Adminstrator)" For some reason it is just not installing. Open to any other suggestions? Thank you.
It's secure capsule bios. I can modify this bios, but I don't know a utility that allows you to flash the mod. You can try to use an ami aptio afudos with GAN option (from pure DOS env.): afudos.exe BACKUP.ROM /O (to make backup of the bios) afudos.exe BACKUP.ROM /P /GAN (for backup flashing) Please post the results.