All I am asking is the name of the bios processor is not the name of the bios file.... here is what I want -Manufacturer: -Motherboard Model: -Bios revision: -Bios Type:
Hi all, my bios slic version is now 2.1 already, I added toshiba certificate and insert the ultimate oem product key already but my windows 7 utimate is not activated. Can help me?
Unless you post the link and the name of the file in which you need help, you are not going to get any help from me....
I get the mod from Busykid, I checked and saw that the version of slic is 2.1? So what wrong with it? Can be fixed?
@troels: This is uncalled for, showing your intellect (or lack there of) is unlikely to get you any help here!!! You are owed nothing
Asus p5e3 bios slic 2.1 -Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : ASUS P5E3 -Bios Revision : -Bios Type : AMI -Bios SLIC : 2.1 -Bios Link : asus (current version 1404) (SLIC with AMI v1.32 didn't work. Tried DELL, LENOVO and HP) RWEVERYTHING
This is wrong with it..I hope it can be fixed.. Code: OEM/TABLE IDs are still NEC. Both in the SLIC and in the RSDT. did I post a mod for you to try??? EDIT..I will look at the bios. The marker is toshiba and 2.1, but the IDs are not toshiba..