1) So its normal if the two Modded Bios are exactly the same? 2) And is that ACER SLIC able to activate Server 2008 R2 also? If both are true, you make me a very happy person
Yes, that slic will activate Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 or Server 2008 Send me another RW Everything Report
oh my got. excuse me ascribe to me.. no proplems. but you are learn next week send with me . please . muck
hmmm decisions decisions... im gonna hunt for retail key for my vista ultimate. if no luck i will re consider this.. it is a risk and a new motheboard is 120 on ebay which at that point would be a waste to re invest in somthing a few years old... also could buy the software at that rate... let me ponder this for a little bit. i thank you guys (busykid, 911medic, & yen) for helping me thus far and for sure let you know if i decide to go through with it! 911medic you did the bios for my old hp desktop back in november and worked great. you guys are awesome!
Check to be sure the bios is welded..Pics and such. If it is replaceable..the cost just went to about 15.00. Otherwise, maybe I will have a better answer for you later..
dangit! just had it all ripped apart yesterday replaced the power jack. didnt even think to have a looksee.