Interesting info for other users - it seems the link is blocked to a number of UK ISP's - very weird. DNS wouldn't resolve at all. I used a USA proxy and worked straight away - will go test right now and report back. Q: Will the Factory Installed OS info line in the Bios change from non-Vista ?
Is the BIOS file(514KB) in also a .COM BIOS? It is a BIOS backup by using Winphlash. It seems that the following files under the folder BIOS in M5B370_WIN_PTM50_PTM51.exe maybe .COM BIOS. BIO003BT.COM(480KB),BIO003FT.COM(470KB)
Yes, the are .COM bios files....they are difficult to modify and take a great deal of time and experience of which I have none with .COM bios files.