What it shows is that Phoenix is the creator of the bios but Phoenix makes 3 different kind of bios - Award, AMI and Phoenix.... So what you saw was the creator of the Award Bios which belongs to all gigabyte bios.
Dont you love the insight that everest gives you??? Notice we dont recommend it any more... P.S. I am not sure that Phoenix make AMI, but that is a non-issue....
Yes, I ran as administrator As I mentioned above: Renaming the .exe and running as administrator did not fix the error (and the official/original .exe works fine), So yes, I tried that... I guess this isn't going to work. Do you have any suggestions for a soft bootloader to use? -Mark
There is WOW that might work for you....just use the search engine to find WOW 7 or higher....WOW 6 is for Vista...
Talk to Yen. I havent followed the steps you took after BK took over the mod. It may be a switch you are missing, or a simple addition to the bios ID..