Phoenix bios SLIC mod requests (*.WPH or *.ROM files).

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    Thanks for the feedback...enjoy...:):D
  2. diNovoM

    diNovoM MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2009
    #5530 diNovoM, Sep 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  3. memberjoe

    memberjoe MDL Junior Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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  4. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
  5. pb123

    pb123 MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2009
    RW Everything

    Thanks for all the help that has been provided to me

    Do i need to un install vista loader to get acurate info with RW Everything

    I have Run the Program but i think it is reading loader info not my actualy toshiba info

    thanks for the help
  6. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    Absolutely, you must uninstall all loaders or you will not get an accurate reading...and the mod will fail and could brick your computer.
  7. rbjack

    rbjack MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #5538 rbjack, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Just a follow up on this Fujitsu FlashAid tool.

    This tool does it's own checksum test. Its almost like a checksum16 test. It adds all the bytes in the file and must equal 0000h to pass. If it passes this test, moves on to the next test ie bios version, board code. If not it errors with message about wrong file for bios etc... The winphlash and phlash tools will not work on this rom image. They won't work on the unmodified rom image either, so it's not a result of the mod bios. The result is the FlashInit.bin error other fujitsu users have seen.

    There are two ways I found to bypass this:
    1. Patch the flashaid tool so it does not perform the checksum, easily done.
    2. Provide the checksum value in the bios_header.ini file so the sum ends in 0000h.

    I was reading there is a checksum stored in one of the decompiled rom modules but I could not find it.

    The bytes are going to be read in little endian 2 bytes at a time. 31 32 33 34 will be read 3231h, 3433h and the values are added together; 6664h. Each time it adds the result is stored and the next set is continually added on until all the bytes are read. On the last loop it tests if the sum in 16bit is 0000h. For my image the final bytes summed up to 0x251346B9 but all we care about is 46B9h. We need to make it so when everything is added the 46B9h is 0000h (0x25140000). So subtract from 10000h and we get B947h. With this value the checksum will pass.

    In the bios_header.ini file There is a Checksum=0 entry. So for me changing this to read Checksum=0xB947 save ini, run flashaid. It now passes the checksum test. This changes the starting value from 0000h to B947h. The first two bytes are added to B947h instead.

    Patching the flashaid tool. Patch just before the counter loop. The values are already set to 0 before summing all the bytes so jumping directly will result in test dx,dx = true.

    0040195A    8B49 24                 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+24]
    0040195D    8B5424 04               MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
    00401961    85C9                    TEST ECX,ECX
    00401963    76 10                   JBE SHORT FlashAid.00401975; Patch this to always jump EB 10
    00401965    41                      INC ECX                                        
    00401966    56                      PUSH ESI
    00401967    D1E9                    SHR ECX,1                                      
    00401969    66:8B30                 MOV SI,WORD PTR DS:[EAX]                       
    0040196C    83C0 02                 ADD EAX,2
    0040196F    03D6                    ADD EDX,ESI                                    
    00401971    49                      DEC ECX                                        
    00401972  ^ 75 F5                   JNZ SHORT FlashAid.00401969                    
    00401974    5E                      POP ESI
    00401975    33C0                    XOR EAX,EAX
    00401977    66:85D2                 TEST DX,DX                                    
    0040197A    0F94C0                  SETE AL                         ; If test is True  Set AL=1
    0040197D    C2 0400                 RETN 4
    On side note, after breaking the rom image down with Phoniex Bios Edit and phnxdeco-experimental build. I found this bios did have SLIC 2.0 tables of two Fujistsu codes. I guess this is one where it is not enabled from the DMI or just hidden. I noticed in your patched bios these were renamed so no conflict. If it was only hidden could this be patched to match a current SLIC 2.1 table, assuming the OEM name was a match to start with? Using the phnxdeco tool, there are two more ACPI found than with PBE. ACPIA.rom ACPIB.rom More SSDT entries, couldn't find any ref to what those are for...

    Anyway, just wanted to follow up with. Thanks for getting me with active SLIC 2.1.
  8. claudioggs

    claudioggs MDL Novice

    Sep 27, 2009
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