then you did not install the product key correctly....I have written instructions of how to activate windows 7 in that carefully and follow instructiions
you don't need toshiba --- any OEM SLP Product key is acceptable....did you not read my instructions of how to activate windows 7 in the download?
it still does not matter---I need the RW Everything Report for each and every bios....If I do not get it, no bios will be made by me.
Didn't you post this same message earlier? Why did you post it again....please delete this message because we do not like double posts.
Sorry about that. Repost deleted. I just thought it got buried already and you somehow wasn't able to read it due to overwhelming replies being posted.
if i can at least get the rw report and toshiba direct bios link? will that be enough for you? ill try to walk him through it he is VERY COMP illiterate. sorry to be a pain he is a very long time freind and i really would like to help him. please le me know. thanks
Dear @Busykid508; 1) Right click on Winphlash.exe and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR and follow on-screen instructions: Gives error : "The input file "bios.wph" can not be found.A valid filename must be specified to continue." 2)Or, flash bios in DOS using PHLASH17 (PH161700) on bootable USB flash Drive - Place both modified bios files 3082F34.M22 and 3082F34.M24 on bootable USB flash Drive and at command prompt, type: ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S 3082F34.M24 or ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S 3082F34.M22 "X" should be replaced with flash drive letter? Thanks A Lot.