I said, that windows is not activated, where there can be a problem? Can slic 2.1 in my bios is not present?
OMG....that is 2 today....I have not had that happen until now...use CRISDISK recovery procedures that are included in download
Don't bother yourself Busykid508, these were the risks... and I knew them! However, after che CRISDISK creation, I plug the USB pen in my dead Toshiba. And then what? The screen is black and I don't know what to do after... Thank you for your help!
YESSS TRAVELMATE 8000 GOT SLIC 2.1 Used winplash .. old bios / new bios ... reboot all done THANK YOU BUSYKID508 Windows 7 , here we go ...
Did you flash in DOS or windows? You are showing a partial slic..try using phlash17 in DOS and use these commands: ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S A1I.WPH <ENTER>