somethings wrong as soon as i restarted the pc the activation gone back to grace period i tried reinstalling the cert and key still no luck any advice update : just checked the slic in everest it is showing slic 2.0 so the bios 3210 dose not have the 2.1 slic any advice???
send me an rw everything report...a new one and not the old one. and how did you flash the bios? In Windows or in DOS? And yes, bios v3210 DEFINTELY has acer slic 2.1
Wrong choice....I specifically told you how to flash bios for this machine and it could have cost the computer - flash in DOS using phlash17 (PH161700) on a bootable USB Flash Drive - at command prompt in DOS, type: ph161700 /x /s /mode=3 /c BIOS1.WPH <ENTER>
the one in the winplash64 folder is for a 64 bit machine and the one in the winphlash folder is 32 bit.
but wat bios file has to do with 32 bit or 64 bit . anyways im trying busykid508's mod first using iphlash dos .if still unsuccesful then wil try 911medic's mod . will update u guys in few minutes