No, slic 2.0 will not activate windows 7.... Try using PHLASH17 (PH161700) on a bootable usb flash drive and at command prompt in DOS, type: ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S bl3_3a29.wph <ENTER>
That is ridiculous...when we have tons of people who have flashed FSC just have not found the right switches to use but the slic is alright
Ridiculous? Switches? What would the Invalid FlashInt error message indicate was wrong then in that case? Could you illuminate me as I have been following every single instruction you have provided to the letter and no matter how I try to flash the bios the Phoenix flashing tool throws "Invalid FlashInt.BIN" error when it tries to load your modded ROM. And I have had no trouble flashing my mods for Vista so I do actually know what I'm generally doing - it's just that your file isn't working!
First, you quote this guy below....he used a bios which was customed made for someone else who submitted an RW EVERYTHING to me...when I made the mod for him, the mod turned out to be totally different than the one he tried to otherwords, in some cases, one size does not fit all.
@busykid got your pm about my asus slic in my bios... so how do i use this VOATKtools ? could u tell me what to do ?
ok, understand... i'll wait offcorse may be i can use some phoenix flash tool, to save bios directly from eeprom ?
@busykid did what u said, but the asus slic remains could i perhaps do a bios flash with an other original bios version ? that way the asus slic should be gone, no ? plse let me know...