wait for yen to return and we will have him modify it for you....he won't be back until the end of the month..sorry
I'm in the UK m8 the laptop is a UK one it is in the exe as its an archive and the bios is in the ISO called 3M200V18.IMA the ISO is the extracted version of the bios its the only form that's like this if you go through the UK site to download its only windows base install so compressed in one of the dll this version of the file is the same thou just that it gives you a different way to flash via CD in dos hope this is enough info if you need me to i can pull the file out my self for you thanks regards Danny
Hi Busykid, Sorry please ignore my last post. I have just downloaded the file and saw that it is with Samsung Slic. Thank you very much. I was confused because you wrote Toshiba Slic in your post.
That was a typo error...it did have the Samsung SLIC 2.1 and I corrected my initial post of the download link and just upped the bios information to the file on the server to correct that problem...thanks for point out this error.