Phoenix bios SLIC mod requests (*.WPH or *.ROM files).

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    Did you do this?


    CRA2YHAVOK MDL Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2009
    Yeah I followed the instructions exactly, flashed in DOS like it says but it won't act*vate for some reason :confused:

    Also I flashed my other computer (Compaq F560EA) the same way an that act*vated no probs.
  3. w_bufffet

    w_bufffet MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    I did this as you said (and i even boot to dos and tried with the DOS version). The error is "Corrupted interface descriptors in new Bios File" "Platform Signature not found in the interface Error code -103" see below image
  4. w_bufffet

    w_bufffet MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    Sony Ar250G

    Just another thing i found, the SONY XP FLASH UTILITY does not even work with the original bios (same error) so i guess its not working on this laptop. The Utility bundeled with the original BIOS loads the mod bios, but think its the same as the one in the EEPROM so it will not flash. I think that the solution will be to give the MOD bios a higher version number, so the utility will think its a newer version. However, its beyond my ability to do that, maybe you have a way of doing it?

    thanks for taking the time to do this, its really helpfull. :)
  5. w_bufffet

    w_bufffet MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    Here is the WPLASH64 error log:

    Processing parameters...
    Image file : C:\Downloads\Sony VGN-AR250G BIOS ORIG\BIOS FILES\R0162J6.WPH
    Backup file : C:\Downloads\WinPhlash64_1.0.25(1)\WinPhlash64_1.0.25\backup.WPH

    Loading new BIOS image file...
    Opening file C:\Downloads\Sony VGN-AR250G BIOS ORIG\BIOS FILES\R0162J6.WPH...
    Allocating 1051214 bytes...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 0...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 32768...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 65536...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 98304...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 131072...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 163840...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 196608...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 229376...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 262144...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 294912...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 327680...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 360448...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 393216...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 425984...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 458752...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 491520...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 524288...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 557056...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 589824...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 622592...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 655360...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 688128...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 720896...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 753664...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 786432...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 819200...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 851968...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 884736...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 917504...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 950272...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 983040...
    Reading 32768 bytes from the file starting at 1015808...
    Reading 2630 bytes from the file starting at 1048576...

    Looking for interface descriptors and code...
    cbSearch= 4096 (0x00001000)
    Failed: no signature found in the file

    Error code : -103(0xFFFFFF99)
    Platform Signature not found in the interface.
    Error code: -103
  6. cybear

    cybear MDL Novice

    Nov 2, 2009
    #8458 cybear, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  7. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    Use Winphlash64 and follow directions of this Word Document that is in your download:

    Running WinPhlash From a Bootable USB 2.0 Drive
  8. w_bufffet

    w_bufffet MDL Junior Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    Sony VGN-AR250G

    Ok, i tried everything you said but the same problem continues: I am attaching the logs of Winplash64, WinPlash32, etc. I ran them from XP, WinPE on a USB stick, DOS on a USB stick - the same results. You need to know this machine is pre Vista days so i think the following is happening:

    a. WinPlash 2 & 64 are not compatible with this type of WPH file. They fail to read it properly, way before even trying to flash. I guess they are newer generation versions.

    b. WinPlash that came with the original Bios checks the bios files and think its the same as the one in the system. Since i am almost sure it just check the version number, it might be the best way to solve this issue is to mod the bios to a different number.

    Thanks for your time in that matter, i would really like to resolve this. Why dont you try and increment the version of the bios and lets try it then?

    Have a look in the older version log file, it might give you a hint on the issue. It checks a table called BCPSYS and find them the same so no flashing is done. Hope this help.
