Pleas Help G720 eMachines The fourth attempt at getting help from you ! Pleas Help for SLIC 2.1 for Win 7. Thanks. -Manufacturer:eMachines -Motherboard Model:eMachines G720 -Bios revision:3233 (ZY6D3233.WPH) -Bios Type: Phoenix BIOS -Bios Download Link: Download Link:
Location of Extracted Files In windows 7, open control panel - appearance and personalization - folder Options click on VIEW tab and tick SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS and DRIVES then navigate to this folder and run the executable from it c:\users\dale\appdata\local\temp Before you fully execute the file a folder will appear in temp folder and copy that entire folder to your desktop and then close out the exectuable file
I know,i try it few hours,but i cant extract the .wph file from the ME2V10J.EXE Would it function if somebody else have the same notebook?