second question @Busykid508 I want to use the Ultimate Edition on the HP-Notebook but the highest hp-key is for the professional version. So with the hp-certificate i can't use a oemkey from another manufacturer?
you apparently have not read one thing which you downloaded from my link for your do not need an HP OEM SLP Product Key to activate windows 7 can use ANY OEM SLP PRODUCT key for ultimate, starter, premium, professional, etc.... Read the instructions of what I wrote in the download link.
use phlash17 and don't use f.bat file but at command prompt in dos, type: ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S bios.wph <ENTER>
thanks for the response and your help Busykid508, I tried as you said and the flash seems to be more thorough and take more time but has the same result and fails in the same spot, the second time round at the F spot in the Flash Memory block....sorry was not fast enough to see the exact spot in the bin.