well I was able to load the bios finally using winflash64, It loaded all the way and upon reboot the black screen of death. beeeeeeeeeeeep beep beep
My recommendation was PHLASH16..I would not have flashed it otherwise..You were getting errors with the WInflash, why continue????? Try to recover and use dos flashers..you have to now anyway....
In Winphlash64 folder you have 2 phlash.ini files In Swinflash folder you have 1 phlash.ini files. You have to change all 3 of these phlash.ini files. In the WINPHLASH64 folder it should read like this: In the SWINFLASH Folder it Should Read Like This: Now rename modified bios file from 30BBF29.WPH to BIOS.WPH And that is all there is to it.
I did it from windown,Phoenix Secure Winflash is open ---> Flash Bios But I get a error : The input file BOS.WPH can not be found What can I do now ? I was fix it same above. How can I run DOS in Vista ? Where can I put the Bois file,when I run DOS? Please, help me.
You have to navigate to the bios.wph file and click it Find SPECIFY NEW BIOS and click BROWSE and then find bios.wph and click it.
(I'm using Windows 7 x64 - SONY Vaio FE41-Z) First try - WinPhlash (used the version which was in your rar archive...) 1. Started with admin rights 2. Selected the BIOS file 3. Clicked "Flash BIOS" ERROR MESSAGE: Corrupted Interface Descriptors in the new BIOS file Platform signature not found in the interface Error code: -103 Second try - Phlash16 (PH161700.EXE) with FreeDOS 1. Boot from USB Stick successful 2. Typed: PH161700 R0200J3.WPH <ENTER> 3. Got message: "Platform signature not found in the interface" (Tried it also with PH161700 /X /Force R0200J3.WPH - but same error) So...what's wrong?