Phoenix bios SLIC mod requests (*.WPH or *.ROM files).

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    what do you mean that you cannot run the command? Make this a bit clearer to me.
  2. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
  3. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    run these commands with phlash16: phlash16 /x /FORCE /O /C /S bios.wph <ENTER>
  4. mok

    mok MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2009
    oh..nothing much actually. refer to your previous post (the one that contain modded bios with instruction), the instruction that you gave to me to run a command in DOS is not complete.

    u type;
    command prompt in DOS, type: /x /s /c /mode=3 /pn HM41106.WPH <ENTER>

    it should be;
    command prompt in DOS, type:phlash16 /x /s /c /mode=3 /pn HM41106.WPH <ENTER>

    u just missed the phlash16.

    the 1st time i just follow ur instruction thats y i got the error 'bad command or file name'. i figured it out the phlash16 is missing.

    thats all the case. nothing much.

    thank you very much for your help..again.
  5. Trq

    Trq MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2009
    RE: HP dv6910us

    Hello Busy Kid,
    I really appreciate your help but I'm awfully sorry having to disturb you again because actions taken did not help.
    I'll try to explain my actions step by step in order to get things clear.

    1. I get ready USB stick with DOS and copy phlash16.exe onto it along with MODIFIED BIOS files **A_SLIC.WPH and **B_SLIC.WPH.

    2. I rename **B_SLIC.WPH to BIOS.WPH, boot from flash and try to flash the bios.
    Phlash16 ignores any keys I enter and loudly screams that this BIOS IS NOT FOR MY N/B.

    3. I rename **A_SLIC.WPH to BIOS.WPH boot from flash and try to flash the bios. It flashes just fine with both just "/x" key or "/x /FORCE /O /C /S" keys, I don't see any difference.

    4. I start Win 7 and run SLIC Dump Kit. It shows SLIC 2.0 Again.

    5. I start OPA tool and try to activate win 7. I try certificate and key offered by OPA tool - negative. I try certificate (both ones) from archive with modded bios along with OEM win 7 key from it - negative.

    6. Finally I realise that maybe I eventually mixed bios files and flashed unmodified one? I copy both ORIGINAL bios files to a directory containing MODDED ones and run windows file compare command (fc). IT SHOWS NO DIFFERENCE. I wonder if it may be that way...modded BIOS for my desktop GA_EX58UD5 really differs from original one being the same version.
  6. Busykid508

    Busykid508 MDL Guru

    Jun 4, 2009
    Dude, I don't know what your problem is but these mods have been around for a long time and you are not the first one to try it and all those before you were successful in activating, I have to ask, Why are you not able to activate windows with this bios mod when all others (12 of them in the past) have activated windows with the same mod that you have?

    I have a feeling you are not flashing correctly the bios file.
  7. Trq

    Trq MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2009
    RE: HP dv6910us

    Busy Kid,
    Who knows...maybe I'm just a little bit unlucky this time?..previous 3 times I used SLIC-modded bios it was simple and errorless...but this time I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    I'll try it again tomorrow with the new phlash161700 and post results. Hope it will help.