It could related to the way how isobuster extracted the bios file. you may wanna try Kumerpark mod above.
I'm tired Bro.. I've been sitting here for long will see you on Monday. I'll be leaving for home tomorrow. Good Night.
I've noticed that the patched bios is smaller than the original, is that right? Did you extract the original bios yourself, or use the one I'd got extracted (I ask because you replied to my original post, not the 2nd one with the pre-extracted bios)?
Wow Bro.! That was a very quick response, Thank you! What would be the best way to go about checking if someone can confirm the mod to be working, or in other words how do I do that. Sorry for such a noob question, I'm trying to learn my way around the forum, Thanks again
i would follow post of whoever requested at the first place. hopefully that person would provide a feedback.
Cool Bro. Thanks for all your help. And just to clear things up, the bios that I posted that I had is, as you said, an older one, but, I forgot to mention that I'm going to be installing the newer updated bios from HP which is an F.32, which is also the one that busykid508 was referencing. It's dated 3-25-09 so atleast it's newer than the one I currently have which makes me feel alot better due to the fact that the one he is referencing is for a higher model than mines. Again, thank you for all your help. You guys rock!! keep up the awsome work
Oh no it didn't Usiing the boot cd image you made it flashed fine, however the slic is still 2.0 according to the SLIC DUMP toolkit. any ideas?