That's what I have experienced before. I installed a clean Windows 7 on my lappy and installed RW Everything so I can save a clean, but PhoenixTool for inserting SLIC keeps on complaining I have a broken table when I modded the new release BIOS. I searched for a solution from one of these forums and found out that I will try Windows XP. I just forgot the link. After doing it, I successfully modded the latest BIOS and activated my Windows 7. It's worth a try... no one will die in doing such!
you see in this particular case, the user already has the modded bios installed, so by loading winxp, it wont help. the rweverything report is still gonna say SLIC 2.1.
Ok, I got your point. But I was just trying to help, MAYBE it'll work. There are a lot of ways to kill a cat. So, what do you suggest? What will be the best possible solution? Does it have something to do with the correct usage of the phlash16 command parameter?
the rweverything report should be created base on the original bios from the vendor, which help minimising the risk of bricking a system when modding. the usual command we use to flash is ph161700 /x /FORCE /O /C /S bios.wph , however Sony and Fujitsu system requires a different way of flashing. it's my turn to ask you a question as your signature printed Hackintosh Builder, can you pls tell me which hackintosh build (base on Snow Leopard 10.6.2) will probably work best on my Dell XPS M1530?
Vista certificate should work. Ask a friend or someone you know to use SLIC Dump Toolkit for backing up the certificate. The manufacturer wouldnt give it to you.