your rweverything report also shows Acer SLIC. if you are sure there is no loader installed, has your bios ever been modded before?
The image came from a torrent: "TOSHIBA Windows 7 x86 Pre-Activated.iso" which on another Toshiba (M70-159) did not activate until my bios got modded by another friendly user over here and which has TOSINVTOSINV00 in both PubKey and Marker (same at RSDT). After modding done, it activated without a hitch. The same image displays this weird Acer message on this machine, which makes me feel that indeed there was something done to this bios, but as the owner is an 18 year old girl acquaintance who has just received this laptop a couple of month ago freshly packaged from a store, I don't think anything was done to it beforehand.
for now, just installed the latest bios from Toshiba, see if it kills out the Acer Pubkey. if the problem persists, try to load windows xp, check the pubkey again, even better if you can get a clean image (no pre-activate) from msdn.