Phoenix bios SLIC mod requests (*.WPH or *.ROM files).

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. trance89

    trance89 MDL Member

    Oct 29, 2010
    pls extract that exe, i cant open it...
  2. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    Black screen after flashing ? or No Slic ?
  3. tacoman

    tacoman MDL Novice

    Dec 17, 2010
    Short Answer: Blank Screen

    Long Answer: Directly after flashing, it restarts, POSTs, loads the SCSI BIOS, then gives a Checksum Error (expected after BIOS flash). If I press F1 'to continue', it blanks out and won't respond to Ctrl+Alt+Del. A power cycle then yields a blank screen. Were I to press Del instead of F1, it goes to CMOS setup. Whether I change settings or not and whether I save them or not, the next restart is always a blank screen.

    When flashing the original BIOS, after the checksum error, it is supposed to go to a 'Summary Screen' with an any-key pause, after which, the system boots up. Hope any of this helps.