OK. Provide the link to correct bios for S7020 YBBCxxxxxx (ISO image). (flash the nonmodified bios before link posting)
bios mod Looking for a lost bios mod for inspiron e1505 6400. the mod adds the overclocking ability part from a inspiron m1710 bios and adds the option to the e1505 6400 bios for the T7600G intel core duo processor. I recently reflashed because of a bios error and lost the bios mod so i cant overclock my cpu no more. the site also had the mod for e1705 as well and can't find that ether would you guys be able to help me out? plus i need slic 2.1 for e1505 6400 my e1505 has slic 2.1 but not my e1505 6400 PLEASE HELP ME