Loxx, Once I revive the board from bricking it due to improperly flashing it with another MOD (for the zv5000) I will post the results of your MOD. Thanks for the MOD Loxxx!
Thanks, but I've already tried this mod. I don't know why, but it doesn't work. It's starting but nothing happen then. Slic toolkit 3.2 shows "Dump OK ! (But SLIC OEM ID or Digital Signature Error !)". What should I do now - make screenshots of toolkit, or upload SLIC(*.bin), or maybe upload an error logs... Please help me. P.S. sorry for my bad Eng.
) лоадер думаю да, ставил сборку Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 by Loginvovchyk x86 (март 2011), в ней активатор автоматический. но после установки он похоже так и не сработал. что можно сделать? переустанавливать все не хочется.