Phoenix bios SLIC mod requests (*.WPH or *.ROM files).

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by ancestor(v), Jun 17, 2009.

  1. swollenweenie

    swollenweenie MDL Novice

    Jul 13, 2011
    Cheers haiduongbros!
    Thank you my friend!
  2. haiduongbros

    haiduongbros MDL Addicted

    Apr 13, 2009
    Thank for feedback ! :)
  3. spl33n

    spl33n MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2011
    yes, i want to try..
  4. Bravesniff

    Bravesniff MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Hello there!

    I noticed that you have managed just like me to brick the BIOS of your R439 with the exact same version of machine and BIOS rev that I have.
    I am unable to get it back working with any rescue crisis method I've tried so far. FDD USB didn't work for me, it doesn't even seem to try to read from it.

    Did you manage to get your back and running? And how did you do if so?
    I am thinking that the keyboard combinations for Samsung might not be right, like the example of: Fn + B.

    Any info you have regarding this would be helpful, thanks from Sweden :)
  5. Bravesniff

    Bravesniff MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Well so far so bad, I have managed to brick it ;) Now I am fighting to get it back and running hehe. Other things I noticed about this BIOS is that Phoenix Slic tool doesn't find any match with my RW report when i check from original BIOS. I keep you updated once I get the computer to work at all again hehe.
  6. TRodriguezzz

    TRodriguezzz MDL Novice

    Jul 17, 2011
    Hello, good afternoon

    I took the notebook from my Father (acer 4535) to solve the battery problem that waspresented in WIN7 and update the BIOS, has not he called error and more, whenever I try to connect get black screen only turns on the lights but not starts, I tried everything possible, but could not solve yet, look what I've done and if anyone has any idea andcould help me, I'll be eternally grateful.

    1 - I've tried to restore the BIOS flash drives, setting bios files over the crisis in PEN and pressing a sequence of keystrokes, he calls, the screen flashes on and off ... (It may nothave the correct files but renamed I did several times)

    2 - I opened the notebook bios unsolder the battery connected left with only one pole for more than 30 minutes and still the error persists (was it necessary to unsolder the two poles, or call it without this battery and then de-solder?)

    3 - I'm trying to get someone with the recovery CD, but so far I could not, if someone I buy.

    My email and MSN: [email protected]

    Thank you and thank you for attention.
  7. akcent

    akcent MDL BIOS/EFI Modifier

    Aug 20, 2009
    #18357 akcent, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  8. Bravesniff

    Bravesniff MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Ooooh nice!

    It's midnight here right now and I left the computer at work, having vacation starting tomorrow, but I guess I have a reason to go back there after I slept then :)

    Thanks for this info! I will give ya an update after tomorrow :)