v7.0.6 [compiled at 28-10-24] Code: # Add few key's for V.S. 15-19-22 # Add few SKU-Ref, for office preview # Add few key's for Office Retail & Preview # Add new key's from latest public 23h2 release
i have an ideal way, open ISE (not x86) - grab any PS1 file to ISE windows. run. this also avoid's security software conflicts. because ISE is a legit software
Thanks for your help and the great toll that you provide for us. I already did that,but maybe i miss something.
v7.1.0 [compiled at 01-11-24] Code: # Add few key's for *OEM*Server* That make it so far. Code: 2123 ID-SKU Key's 31 Genuine Visual Studio Key's 3681 Genuine Windows *Any* Key's 616 Genuine Office Key's [402 of them are ignored]
Darki Upload new version add few keys and main change is with little help for my ChatGPT friend I use JSON file, that stored all the license's The JSON file is not must, you can either keep it in same folder, or remove it, it will auto extract to %temp% folder and decode screen, will auto select this directory too. The JSON file himself - is just a List of File's sorted by information + Additional data data is saved as compressed base64 as byte's array. Instead, full directory with a lot of files extract it in first open could take few sec.
v7.5. Compiled at 16-11-24 Code: Add few more key's for Office 15 Add few more key's for Windows 8,10 Etc. basically add few missing keys for some ref-Key list i still have a `few` missing ref to complete. (not really few, maybe more)