[PLEASE READ] Microsoft and Privacy

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Michaela Joy, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    I understand what you're saying, but... that very wise person has not mentioned "Logic". ;)

    Only if you let the concept of "easy of use" interfere with the meaning of the word "viability".

    This is a really dangerous path. How would you reply someone saying that "privacy" is a relative term?

    I will give you an example. In the real life, joy and sadness mix together all the time. Sometimes, the same thing can make you sad and joyful at the same time. What a mess, isn't? And it happens all the time.

    However, you can easily define "joy" and "sadness". As a matter of fact, you must be able to define them if you want to be able to know what you're feeling, and why. For instance: "Yes, I love to smoke tobacco, it tastes so good and makes me so joyful, but at the same time I know it is killing me, so it makes me very sad".
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  2. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012

    @rEApEAt: I would say "It's best not to compare apples to oranges here. "Viability" and "Privacy" are two different concepts."

    The need for viability is important, but not always necessary. In Engineering, a concept can appear viable, but, after analysis, it may no longer be viable.

    Privacy is absolute. The need for privacy is absolute. There is no middle ground and no justifiable rationalization for forfeiture of privacy.
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  3. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    Sorry. I was just trying to help.
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  4. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @rEApEAt: No apologies needed. :)
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  5. mitsos

    mitsos MDL Junior Member

    Nov 10, 2012
    People...relax... Let's put things in a simple way. Fact: On internet nobody is 100% safe with no Operational System.
    Bussiness users invest a lot of money to be as safe as possible. I do not beleive that M$ is spying on sensitive bussiness matters...
    Because if a real scandal comes off from M$ spying to sensitive enterpises assets the damage could be enormously for their image and may just mean their end as company.
    The main purpose of windows update is, contrary to spying, to help users with their security and stability and they are spending big capitals on that...

    I think in this great forum most of members are home/small bussiness users.
    Main purpose of M$, and others as Google etc. to spy on home/small bussiness users is marketing/advertisements.
    They are interested in us as consumers and not as induviduals in most of the cases...

    My advice to people who worry for their privacy in windows 10 is first to log in with a local account and second to use some of the plenty tweaks
    speaked in a number of threads here, to block spy transmissions to M$, and thats all...
    Schould be enough to bring the privacy matters to minimmum.
    More we can not do except pull out the lan cable, or turn off wifi. But then, no internet, no honey... So...again...relax and enjoy this great M$ release.

    Finally, i can not resist a reply to linux spammers, equally without bad feelings ladies and gends...
    First of all, linux discussions here are strongly off topic. There are plenty of linux forums out there to leave your message and share your worries...
    I really do not understand what linux users are doing in a windows forum except spamming...
    On all my mashines, after trying a number of distro's, i dual boot windows and linux ubuntu lts, purely for testing/interest reason,
    and, ofcourse, curiosity, after so many spam around about a clean, safe, stable perfect OS in linux.
    But...come on...is really no alternative to windows on daily use... Complicated, even for smallest personalisation and use,
    needs great knowledge, endless tweaks drivers etc, few software and definately full of bugs due to lag of developers.
    For sure is not for less advanced users...
    And the myth about no viruses and so... There are surely viruses for linux. But not much because linux is not more than 1,7% of global pc usage.
    If you count also the multiple boot users like me then the percentage of linux is negligible...
    Is simply not interesting to write viruses for linux because the impact is so little...so... only for the "happy" few...

    Linux is not our concern here, sorry... :rolleyes:
  6. odiebugs1

    odiebugs1 MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2015
    Just curious, why are you concerned with people using win 10, do you have stock, if more people use win 10 do you get faster bandwidth, are you one of the people who
    gets a share of the updates off other peoples net ??????. LOL :biggrin:

    Remember even thought it was a free lease this time, who wants to pay to be a spied on guinea pig. I'm guessing this is why they made it free to please old uncle sam and to charge for removal of ad's.

    As you can see by the amount of people this has upset, this isn't the way to do business with customers, and it might come back at them.

    A thief or a hacker is a crook and is considered under the law as a criminal, so I guess now the government is allowing criminals into the software game.
  7. rEApEAt

    rEApEAt MDL Senior Member

    Jan 5, 2011
    #87 rEApEAt, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    It would be really easy for me to remain silent. It's always easier to remain silent. "Silence is golden", they say; and, of course, they're always saying this about someone else's silence.

    Do you notice the contradiction between "a democratic society" and a society in which "98% of the population have been indoctrinated into believing... [anything]"? Dogs can be "conditioned"; slaves can be "indoctrinated". Can we call "democratic" a society in which the population is "indoctrinated"?

    Only free men can build a free society, a "democratic society" for real. But... what is freedom? What is slavery? If we all born as slaves, how can we become free? To answer these questions, it's not sufficient to be a "computer god". You must know how to hack the human race, which means, of course, to teach men how they can hack themselves. But, of course, to know this you must have hacked yourself in the first place.

    You have stolen my words! But that's ok, because the privacy problem is, of course, part of the whole problem of mankind's slavery. The problem you're raising is enormous; the problem I'm raising is even bigger, and most people do not even know it exists. But wait, there's more.

    I don't know if you're telling the truth about this, but anyway I have something funny to tell. A while ago I put in my signature an external link. Two weeks later, a moderator asked me to suppress the link because of the forum rules. I did it immediately. However, the next day, I did a test, denouncing an external link of another member. That member was not, of course, any "big figure" of the forum (or the test would not have any validity). He was an average member with even less posts than me; and the "denounced" page was only a harmless personal page on Windows "tips and tricks". Well, the link was not removed, and then I knew that my link was removed not because it was "an external link", but because of its content.

    Here is the offending link. Judge by yourself. Mankind does not even have a chance.

    I'm pretty sure they will use their smartphones to google you, and maybe post something about you in facebook. But please don't ask them if they can live without a smartphone or facebook... Because, of course, the fault belongs (always) to the evil Microsoft, or the evil government, or the evil whatever outside of their skin. Say them they are slaves, and they will eat you alive. Try to teach them to think and they will treat you like an idiot. Try to randomly stimulate someone to find out why a genius like Einstein admired so much Spinoza, and they will ask you to delete your link. Tell them they must make effort, and they will ask you a pill.

    Believe me, they deserve the brave new world. ;)
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  8. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @mitsos: Take a look at this post by pirithous http://forums.mydigitallife.net/thr...rivacy/page8?p=1113857&viewfull=1#post1113857

    I -urge- you to watch the youtube video there. If you're an American citizen, this should make you sick to your stomach, and ashamed of what your government has done to your country.

    If you're not, then you should sleep with one eye open, Because that kind of totalitarian spying is coming to your country.

    When you hear what Binny has to say, you will then see the truth of this thread, the terrible state that America is in, and the impending disaster that will affect -every- country in the free world.

    And then you will understand that the new Microsoft Privacy Agreement is not to be taken lightly, and is a small part of a vast agenda that spans the globe.

    After that, please come back and tell us how the information in that video made you feel.I personally want to know.

    I await your reply.
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  9. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    i appriesicate the time and trouble you took. mitsos. it is a far cry from all the one-liners i see..:biggrin:
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  10. frepsz

    frepsz MDL Junior Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    People usually say, no problem, Google and Facebook already do this, one more doesn't matter. Reality is that Google and Facebook aren't installed on your computer. They only collect data you provide them. They have no keylogger, they don't record your microphone etc. This is a huge difference. Microsoft can collect anything and without your consent.
  11. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    so there comes a time that we walk away from it all..;)
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  12. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    LMAO, I needed that laugh.
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  13. windooooooooows

    windooooooooows MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2015
    Michaela Joy, thank you for this thread. Privacy matters a lot to me, so I appreciate you gave us a chance to talk about it.

    I'm thinking of maybe switching to a different OS, because I hate the privacy invasion of W10.

    I'm weighing my options right now.
  14. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    You posted an awful long rant that completely missed the point that the average user doesn't understand any of this. I'm not disagreeing with your stance, in fact I agree with your statements about what Microsoft is doing. The fact of the matter is that most people will just blindly consume whatever is placed in front of them, which is why Internet Explorer enjoyed the largest market share among free web browsers for years despite all of its vulnerabilities. You brought up .net,what does that have to do with the average user, absolutely nothing.

    Funny thing, I don't know you from Adam, never held any conversation with you and suddenly your tossing around insults.
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  15. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009

    Yes, good thread, good information. Hope a few people calm down and quit taking everything so damned personal.
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  16. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    Thanks Michaela. Your response is very reasonable, yes, Linux is viable but as you say, not for the masses. Perhaps I should have qualified the statement that way to begin with for those who aren't as objective as you.
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  17. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    There is no beady-eyed little guy at Microsoft trying to get into my computer. I view all communications of my OS with MS as my helpers. We are not working on Windows 3.1 here. This is a new age and we need to get with it. There will be tasks which need to be carried out in the cloud. I appreciate everything that Microsoft is doing to enhance my experience, and view none of the OS/MS communications as spying. They don't have the time or interest to spy on me, and they would not anyway. This thread is pointless as there is no such thing as MS spying. What a joke, and utter waste of time to be talking of such things.
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  18. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    Valid points but when it comes down to it Microsoft and the others will have an unending pool of people who do not know or care about the privacy implications. You can hardly expect a society that routinely posts what should be private information on facebook/twitter, etc to care about what kind of data Microsoft is mining from their computers.

    I'm not saying it's right and I am not defending Microsoft but face it, all the companies ARE doing it and the choice is yours as to what level you want to participate.
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  19. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    #99 Smorgan, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
    Ok I guess I'd finally have to comment ;)

    Guys the time has come to leave Windows. Before you say that is an over reaction please take the time to read this update that was just distributed to Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1, and Server 2012 R2.


    This is not information that should be given freely back to Microsoft as it is the setting information.

    We need to actually read what this says. The CEIP is integral to the operation of Microsoft Windows as it transmits bug reports back to Microsoft for them to be fixed. To be even more precised the CEIP is titled KernelCEIP.dll. This means it is connected with the OS at the kernel level making it easier to transmit elevated information from the OS. This would not be a problem but when combined with the fact that it:

    "CEIP reports do not contain contact information, such as your name, address, or telephone number."

    It makes it very difficult to live with Windows as a whole because I do not know what is being transmitted from the Operating system. This takes the EULA and just says we can do whatever we want. And rips the privacy act to shreds in the process. This means the end for me as I see it using Windows.

    That means they can take any settings from the machine that they want. While not getting the personal information but when you have that level of information along with being connected to an MS account. What is the point in privacy anymore?
  20. Dolorous Edd

    Dolorous Edd MDL Expert

    Aug 31, 2009
    Whether they are or are not actively spying on you isn't the point, the avenue is there for them to do it, they make it very difficult to opt out and in at least one example refuse to let you opt out (telemetry). You're happy with it, fine. I don't want or need Cortana, and I disabled all the location sharing, behavior learning stuff in Windows 10 because I simply do not need it and I view it as a huge security hole. Microsoft, Google and Apple think it's real neat to share all of my contacts, etc across apps but I don't, whenever possible I disable any of that stuff.
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