What about those that are confused and really not sure of what they are? Can you add a button that states "both"
This poll is ilogical, I am Model T-1337 and this poll does not include a subject for 'it'. I calculate this poll is racist to machines and is thus hostile to Skynet. For security reasons we will terminate all living things, scheduled Judgment Day at 2017.
If you're an alpha male, you're respected. If you're an alpha female, you're a bitch. Whoever said "life is fair" must have been a man.
Chefy fishing (last year) ... sadly my hairs I know .... I'm getting old ... ... but I think still not so bad for a 4x old guy
male, male. male I'm one male tiger someday I show my true human face lol this one is more interesting thread that I see here trust me