yes there a slic table but not a manufacturer table, in the first bios i add a ASUS slic and change pointer off rsdt and xsdt, and rename the old. this works but pointer are note change. So in the second i replace the original slic with a good one and change pointer. But you can't flash. why ??? Perhaps flash the original and reflash the last. EDIT : We can mod this bios, we just need to find why flash doesn't work.
HowTo add SLIC table in SAMSUNG NC10 : Yep if you want an other table that the original, change SLIC reference to SLEC, then add SLIC table. Then the problem is that change RSDT and XSDT has no effect so : Change RSDT & XSDT THEN By default : RSDT take SECCSDCapell00 XSDT take SECCSDLH43STAR So you need to change SECCSDLH43STAR reference by _ASUS_Notebook for ASUS AND Capell00 to Notebook And voilĂ ! RSDT => _ASUS_Notebook XSDT => _ASUS_Notebook Edit : Replace table in 4E00 module make the table to disapear so don't use replace For SAMSUNG SLIC : the table is not complete, Don't replace the table : module MOD_4E00.ROM use the same method that for ASUS