Hey red Good morning my insydeh2o setup utility is rev: 3.0 can i make it rev: 3.5 ? so that i can change power options?
this fan controller is a newer version i can't treat with it i don't want fan controller i tried it before i want to change setup utility to contain power options by changing the module or anything xD can you help me in this?
Just my 2 Satangs: Toshiba Laptops are quite sensitive about used hardware and normally didn't accept the cheapo 3. party replacements! That applies for the Battery as well. The Battery contains not the Battery Cells only, it also has an small PCB Board which contains some IC, one of them are with an program code. If that board isn't matching the need of the Laptops internal Power Controller, it will switches down the machine after some time because of not stable power supply needed. That said, the first step should be to go any Dealer/Service and test that the laptop work with an original Toshiba Battery. Serious Dealers/Services will do that for you. Toshiba Services maybe would charge you for that Service, so ask upfront of testing if is there any charge just for the testing.
and how can find the nearest Toshiba Services Center Because i'm from Cairo - Egypt and the laptop is from America.
Sorry, there isn't any way to change the the hard coded ID. The only way you maybe could do, is to go to an Service in Cairo (if there is one) which could change the internal Cells from that old Battery Pack (if you still have that one) to exact same cells (Type,Model, size, mA) That's what we mainly do in Thailand. It's normally also more cheap than a new Battery, in Thailand just app. 50% of the cost of an new Battery Pack.
Thanks guys, i will try your answers till i get this problem solved because i have this problem since a year Thanks for redroad: for being patient with me and for helping me you are real hero and Thanks pisthai for the new IMPORTANT INFORMATION if it works you will be may hero i will feed you back guys with the news as soon as possible Thaaanks ^_^
The problem your laptop is having maybe related to RAM or CPU, I’ve laptops that shuts off with out warning most of the time they have; - Defected RAM -RAM needs re0setting - The paste on the CPU is really dry -Heatsink blocked with dust So if you can open your laptop and re-set you RAM or test a different RAM than the one you have installed if that does not help, go to CPU and put new fresh paste and clean the heatsik, see if that helps.
Recently I worked on a desktop computer which would randomly power off in the middle of a task. I solved the problem by reformatting the disk and re installing the operating system.
all this reasons are possible .. i decided to go to laptop services center and soon we will see the correnct answer
here is solution. 1. This problem is caused by virus also then u need to reformat your all partition then install fresh copy of windows with licensed antivirus. If problem still now then it is hardware base. 2. through hardware this problem comes if motherboard vga ic bad then u need to replace motherboard and no repairing possible. there is one condition in some case this problem rise some motherboard component then u need to repair motherboard by some expert .