C'mon geeser... there is always someone better... at the most he is second best... but credit where credit is due FARAG, FARAG, FARAG, OI.. OI.. OI hope you guys are watching the tennis
Spoiler: At the very least 'GOD' “When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself. ” .. ― Peter O'Toole ... in case you didn't get this: was a compliment
Ah, LOL. Being not a native sometimes makes troubles. Anyway oz-zo much more skilled than me. Better to pray for bim.
Seems I've finished v5.5. At last users will be able to pin these shortcuts: Control Panel, Devices and Printers, and PowerShell withou using syspin. Just pure PowerShell! Actually if any of you can edit the code you can add your shortcuts. The code is very simple. We're proud to show it for you. Brought us many pain while trying to parse and edit exported XML. Hope, tomorrow I'll upload with a new video made by David.
v5.5 Finally we created the video how to use Sophia Script! Made by @Davidgamerthumbs Also I created a Telegram group if have a question about Sophia Script and too lazy to open an issue on GitHub Allowed languages: English, русский (Russian). The PinControlPanel, PinDevicesPrinters, PinCommandPrompt, and UnpinAllStartTiles functions were rewritten into one, PinToStart Now it's possible to pin Control Panel, Device and Printers, and PowerShell shortcuts without using the syspin app — just pure PowerShell! syspin was removed. You can choose what to pin: PinToStart -Tiles ControlPanel, DevicesPrinters, PowerShell or unpin all tiles PinToStart -UnpinAll Updated descriptionsж Fixed typos. The next stop is v5.5.1
LTSC is not so complicated as another ones. So it pretty hard to make an error. Doesn't support by default UWP, OneDrive, and WSL. Prepare for the LTSC 2021 that will be released this autumn. As soon as it will be released, I'll delete the current LTSC version. Upgrade!
https://pastebin.com/raw/stBpAePS If you have a web camera (integrated or not), please, post your console output. My Surface Code: Surface IR Camera Front Surface Camera Front
Code: Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PnPEntity | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_.PNPClass -eq "Camera") -or ($_.PNPClass -eq "Image")}
Please test this function. It's almost fully based on this guy research. He wrote a function to make association of any extension with any app with icon set, and generate special Microsoft hash (this is really insane) to prevent the "How do you want to open this?" pop-up appearing. The static Microsoft secret string from %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\shell32.dll is "User Choice set via Windows User Experience {D18B6DD5-6124-4341-9318-804003BAFA0B}" LOL On VM it works well. https://pastebin.com/raw/GFUz3snK How to call function Code: Set-Association -ProgramPath "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -Extension .cfg -Icon "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe,0" Do not use Code: %ProgramFiles% but Code: C:\Program Files only! The app you want to associate with must be installed. Generally the icon path looks like Code: FullPathToEXE,0 . 0 is the icon index. https://stackoverflow.com/a/49256437
Question is this the right way for setupcomplete cmd? PowerShell “Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force” PowerShell “C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Sophia Script\Sophia.ps1”
No, as far I know this process isn't "online": it configures the offline volume. But you can try). I was already asked to start thinking about the future, 6.0, version. Users also need to edit local wim file, not online only. But I need to rewrite the whole script. As soon as we solve all problems with the current layout for the upcoming SophiApp (did you, guys, see early sketches in the Telegram group?), I'll switch to the next release.
Ltsc 5.1 - AWESOME! The script is getting better and better every time! I especially like the new concept with the "cleanup" task - reminder! Thank you! ...