Wrote 3 letters to the https://www.majorgeeks.com, https://www.ghacks.net and https://www.deskmodder.de/blog/ sites if they could write an article about my project. May be they will even respond. LOL
@drew84, can you update the changelog again? @ERRASoft, so you may start with translating every comment in English. As I updated the script, the tranlation became much better and it is already being used in the 5.0 version. Not to mention, in the GUI version, SophiApp.
Seems the 5.0 version as a module is done. Please test, report bug and share feedback. https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Setup-Script/releases/tag/5.0-rc5
5.0.0 is out with some small fixes. Hope it won't break anything. https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script/releases
Windows-10-Sophia-Script Before running Usage Sophia Script in Action Windows 10 2004 (20H1), 2009 (20H2) and LTSC CHANGELOG: Now Maintained by farag
SophiApp is in development. No ETA but may be the first open beta in the late 2020. We have huge plans for it. Hope everything will be OK. Also I've finished the 5.1 version. It is now fully translatable! The current script structure will be Code: en-US/Sophia.psd1 ru-RU/Sophia.psd1 Sophia.ps1 Sophia.psm1
Hello I have a question I have downloaded latest Sophia Script and did everything like in the video tutorial: There are several problems I have: 1. Is it needed to remove the # char in both lines where it is written in English and Russian or only where there is English language? 2. When i was running PowerShell as Administrator and copy/paste the code: and then copy/paste the: there is an error Could you explain me step by step what I am doing wrong to fix my problem? Thanks a lot.
Code: DisableTelemetryServices Hello! You only need to operate only with lines where the functions names are presented. So do not touch comment sections. Neither English nor with Russian. Just comment out or uncomment functions. Like Code: DisableTelemetryServices or Code: # DisableTelemetryServices Haven't any idea what is going wrong. May this may help: https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script#usage I can reply more detailed only tomorrow. Also I've finished with the 5.1. Will upload tomorrow. Anyway, just Google how to run ps1 file. Try to type Code: preset (if you are in a folder with this file) and press TAB. It have to autocomplete in .\Preset.ps1 if PowetShell "feels" that file is this folder.