Private Winten - Open Source Windows 10 privacy tool with built in Firewall

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by DavidXanatos, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    @Disk2019 - I'm not one of them. In worst case, I'll simply ignore such a statement and move on, concentrating on the core message of the post.

    @DavidXanatos - This problem: "Error 06:16:54 21.03.2020 Other Exception Exception in GetIcon: Requested range extends past the end of the array." unfortunately still exists.
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  2. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos MDL Senior Member

    May 23, 2010
    Remind me please does it cause a crash or only a log error?
  3. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    It's only a log error. The application does not crash.
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  4. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos MDL Senior Member

    May 23, 2010
    Ok this happens i think when the tool tries to get an icon from a exe file that has none at all, I think its safe to disable this error message.
    So in the next build it wont bother you anymore.

    An other thing...

    Do you think its useful to ad an additional tree level being the assigned Category?
  5. adric

    adric MDL Expert

    Jul 30, 2009
    #245 adric, Mar 21, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
    It's a cultural thing and doesn't necessarily show respect. Some people don't like being called brother, sister, babe, bro, dude, mate, etc., so it's usually best not to use any of these if you don't know the person you're talking to.
  6. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    #246 Carlos Detweiller, Mar 22, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
    Personally, I'm only using the Tweaks part of it. Not missing anything in that part. My favorite is the automagic re-application of tweaks undone. IMO, further splitting of the tweak categories is not necessary until the sheer number of tweaks rises some more.
    What I would prefer (if not existing already) is a feature notifying of new tweaks/telemetry settings after updating. As the tweak part is "set it and forget it", I might not notice until later.

    Not using the firewall part, however, there was (is?) a major annoyance with the dialog window: As processes usually try to reach the destination multiple times, an already open dialog window can get another hit for the same or another process (adding to the 1/? figures). The issue was that each time such a later hit occurred, the OK button became disabled. Annoying when you just selected the rule and have to re-select it because you cannot click OK.

    The DNS part somehow never worked for me in tests. As soon as it was selected and configured, the system lost internet connection completely (due to DNS). I'm using my own system, so that's not a problem for me.
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  7. fbifido

    fbifido MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2007
    Can you make this work with Dns-overTLS/HTTPS?
    Can you make it so no DNS unless its going via your app?
  8. ceo54

    ceo54 MDL Addicted

    Aug 13, 2015
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  9. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    After running 0.75b for some time, I can say that it is running good, in general. However, it is unfortunately leaking memory like crazy. I noticed it on my work lappy, that is shut down only occasionally and simply sent to sleep/hibernation, otherwise. After a while without shutdown, I noticed the browser started crashing, out of memory. Resource monitor showed that Virtual memory was 85% full (VirtMem=16GiB on that system).
    While searching for the issue, I shut down priv10 (including service) for a test, at which point, the Virtual memory instantly went down by 50%, to 35%. So, priv10 had hogged 8GiB of Virtual memory at that point! Restarting priv10 causes memory consumption to slowly rise again.

    I'm using only the patch/tweak part, nothing else.
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  10. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020
  11. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Pressing the X on the empty Notification window will hang the whole application for me, so, I have to remember to click on the tray icon again, to safely close it. Not using the firewall part, I should not see that window, ever.
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  12. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos MDL Senior Member

    May 23, 2010
    the issues with the notification window should be fixed in the next build.

    Priv10 used the proper windows API to change the GPO's which is not just editing the registry.
    Pure registry edits wont survive windows upgrades etc, and are not shown in the GPO editor.
    Priv10's changes should be visible in the GPO editor.

    @Carlos Detweiller
    I will look into the memory leakage issue, so yon your system the tool is not installed as a service?

    I'm sorry that in the recent weeks priv10 did not get much attention from me, to much work with other projects but I'm working on it though slowly.

    The next bid thing to come up in the next build will be access groups, that is instead of setting a item to be allowed/blocked/etc... you will be able to set the item's network access to mirror the one of a access group.
    So you can define a "Misc Updaters" group and than by toggling the groupes access allow/deny it for many apps at once.
    Or a group for all the office tools, or for visual studio have it blocked normally unless you need to install some nuget package.
  13. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020

    Ok, thx for clearing that one up :)

    Btw...svchost is al ittle pain tho...keeps popping up :p Is there a sort of (universal) rule for system resources that uses it?

    For example, when i give "full access" to the DHCP one in the notification windows, a couple min later it's there again with more services.
  14. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos MDL Senior Member

    May 23, 2010

    yea svchost is indeed a pain, the main issue is that some services create sockets that are not tagged as belonging to them, on such candidate is windows update.

    I think the best most reasonable approach is to allow svchost.exe as a process and for the few services one don't want to talk to the internet create service level block rules, as those take precedence.
  15. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020
    Ok, will do :)

  16. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    It is installed as a service, and the GUI is additionally running elevated. I just found that, when running the GUI non-elevated, some things do not work correctly even with the service present.
    As far as I could find out, it's the service leaking the memory. Quitting the GUI and telling it to close the service, too, frees a large amount of memory, instantly. Re-starting the whole thing will gradually increase the memory wastage, again.

    Things that might be worth noting:
    - System is using Enterprise LTSC 2019, RAM is only 4GB. The problem might be slightly less noticeable on systems with larger RAM.
    - I let it install and run the service, but I do not use the "Autorun" box for the GUI. Instead, I'm using a scheduled task for starting the GUI with Admin rights from the start. I had issues with the built-in automatic elevation, it essentially didn't work as the old process wouldn't close fast enough. Also, some undone patches will never be re-applied unless the GUI is running elevated.
    - I'm only using the Patches part, not the firewall nor the DNS (I'm doing that myself, manually).
    - The wasted memory is not shown in Task Manager, but my used resource monitor shows the memory as used. Closing priv10 along with service results in a huge drop in used memory, usually 3 to 5 GB worth.
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  17. 1QD23R232FWEF32REW

    1QD23R232FWEF32REW MDL Novice

    May 28, 2016

    Thanks for this tool!
  18. haz367

    haz367 MDL Addicted

    Jan 11, 2020
    Not sure if u are aware of this bug. When using patched dll's (imageres.dll/themeui.dll/uxinit.dll) for custom themes it crashes the program when using a custom theme. If u try to open it from the taskbar it closes and on't start again until i switch to basic theme.
  19. aladdin2006

    aladdin2006 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 28, 2013

    KMS_Suite.v8.7.EN gives error while running on Win10_10240_x86:
    "Powershell has stopped working. Check online for solution." but activator still works.

    Working fine on x64. No such error. :)