False positive, and you are first to mention trojan so either don't use it or get decent virus checker OK edit avast wont let me download it
It's a false positive, I use a modified winrar self extractor the "Rar!" file signature is swapped out with "MDL!" that's probably why some av go nuts lol.
It would be very nice if some on would post a link that WORKED.. instead of mirror to mirrors then find file delete do to violation. If some one would post I'll make sure it is not link to link an or pass worded ... shhhhh The Ultimate PID Checker instead. duh those links do not work either....
I've got a key that I found in DM.Bin for OA3 (I'm assuming). With this key it just sits there "Validating Product Key..." If I use any other key it's pretty much instant if valid or not. Is it in some loop or something? Strange!