I really love your mentality. If Microsoft will not make Windows 10 the way you want or need it, you'll make it the way you want or need it. lol Keep up your efforts and do keep us all in the loop.
ok, will do. currently on last stage, the system folder removals. down a few hundred files so far, testing all sorts of stuff along the way....to make sure stuff still works. - bluetooth (multiple system files needs for device pairing and installation) - sound - installing office (seems to rely on multiple windows system files for installation to work, get errors about product key invalid) - control panel items etc etc also keepin a txt list of files that are critical, not adding what they are needed for as there's probably more than one thing they break, but some prevented windows login and broke the blocked shutdown screen. also made a list of files to keep on each final build of (th1, th2, rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4) rs3 allowed the most removals for some reason.
Awesome effort! Can't wait to try it out and report back how it works. I have no use use for MS Office as i use LibreOffice. I would make the OS as light s possible for my part.
@boo123 yes. the project will work on all editions & builds (excluding insider builds) aims to achive better removals than ntlite on windows 10 and to reduce the chance of critical stuff breaking. Everytime i've tried the same removals using ntlite it always f'd up windows, usually resulting it windows setup not working correctly within windows.
All I ask is for those still interested, be patient, i'm just one guy and it's time consuming trying to slim down windows, so many things that can and have gone wrong, lost count how many snap shots i've created and the amount of times i've reinstalled windows. I'm on the last leg, removing files from system32 / syswow64 , doing it in alphabetical order, files beginning with A and so on, i'm up to H. These folders are the buggers as they are system folders and removing just one file here and there causes no boot or other issues. The biggest pain so far has been getting net 3.5 installing via windows update through windows features dialog, so many files seem to be linked to that, i've had to list countless files that i can't delete as it breaks that and you get various vague windows errors, some are the usual 0x800F0950 and some say component store corrupt and one said something about endpoint mapping etc.
sorry, hyper-v removals stay, the project is aimed at slimming down to as close to the windows 7 default amount of features. hyper-v on windows 8-10 is a heafty set of packages, would take too much effort to kee as it's more integrated in the os, unlike on windows 7 where it was an optional download which didn't just include hyper but a whole load of other stuff. use vmware or virtualbox as they are much better.
What do you mean default features? Surely Default is whatever ms include on an iso and they will vary by edition too.
what i mean is slimming down of features / components so windows 10 is closer to the size of 7, folder sizes etc. i.e. removing as much of the stuff they added post windows 7 (8 rtm) through to 10 rtm and up to now (rs4) so far i've halved the size of my windows folder by removing stuff, removed roughly 50,000+ files so far.
^ will see what I can do. i've just finished the system folder removals, so nearing a release, just addin a few more things to control panel, restoring offline help files, reducing amount of batch files than run and a few other things.
I am a firm believer that nothing is ever ready until it has been tested. At some point, I hope you release a preview or beta of this. I know you want to get it right, but the funny thing about coding is until it has been pushed into the real world, you'll never know if it truly works. You can get it to work 100x on your PC and strangely miss the mark on everyone else's. -- That's the life of coding. -- That said, hope to see something to download and try out soon.
got 6 desktops and several laptops, which i'm using to test, all good so far. ran into some issues with bluetooth devices and printing but got that sorted. here's a snippit, a list of files to not remove. Code: #Files_to_Keep# AboveLockAppHost.dll ActivationManager.dll AppContracts.dll AudioEndpointBuilder.dll AudioSrvPolicyManager.dll BackgroundMediaPolicy.dll BCP47Langs.dll BCP47mrm.dll BitsProxy.dll BrokerLib.dll ClipboardServer.dll Clipc.dll coloradapterclient.dll container.dll coreaudiopolicymanagerext.dll CredProv2faHelper.dll CredProvDataModel.dll credprovhost.dll credprovs.dll CSystemEventsBrokerClient.dll dab.dll dabapi.dll dafBth.dll daxexec.dll dbgcore.dll DevPropMgr.dll Dot3Conn.dll dot3mm.dll dpapisrv.dll dpapi.dll dsparse.dll dafDockingProvider.dll DafGip.dll DafPrintProvider.dll DefaultDeviceManager.dll DefaultPrinterProvider.dll eappgnui.dll EventAggregation.dll ExecModelClient.dll execmodelproxy.dll FdDevQuery.dll fwpolicyiomgr.dll iemigplugin.dll ieproxy.dll ImplatSetup.dll InputHost.dll InputSwitch.dll ISM.dll joinutil.dll kd.dll KerbClientShared.dll LogonController.dll mfmkvsrcsnk.dll mfmp4srcsnk.dll mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll mfperfhelper.dll mintdh.dll mobilenetworking.dll modernexecserver.dll msIso.dll MrmCoreR.dll MSWB7.dll NetDriverInstall.dll netprofmsvc.dll notificationplatformcomponent.dll OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll policymanager.dll pnppolicy.dll ProductEnumerator.dll PsmServiceExtHost.dll psmsrv.dll prm0009.dll ResetEngine.dll ResourcePolicyClient.dll ResourcePolicyServer.dll RMapi.dll rmclient.dll RTWorkQ.dll ShareHost.dll shutdownux.dll SystemEventsBrokerClient.dll SystemEventsBrokerServer.dll TextInputFramework.dll threadpoolwinrt.dll TimeBrokerClient.dll TimeBrokerServer.dll usermgr.dll usermgrcli.dll UserMgrProxy.dll usoapi.dll wcmcsp.dll wcmsvc.dll wincorlib.dll win32appinventorycsp.dll win32kbase.sys win32kfull.sys win32u.dll wininitext.dll wldp.dll winmmbase.dll winnlsres.dll winnsi.dll winsrvext.dll Windows.Storage.OneCore.dll WlanRadioManager.dll wuuhext.dll #Files_to_Keep# removing some of those breaks; adding bluetooth devices wmp not playing videos black screen on logon not booting windows, hangs on spinning dots broken task schedular winx menu stops working and various other windows not working right probs....