uploading next version, see page one for details and error messages etc. re-run on upgrade install and all went smoothly (rs4). all components where disabled and removed. all fixes added and mistakes corrected.
^ the ones noticed by a previous poster and ones i've since discovered. as page one says, try in a virtual machine first and connect all your stuff like bluetooth, xb1 controller, 360 controller, printer, scanner etc to test. i've already tested usb printer, usb scanner, 360 wired controll and bluetooth xb1 controller, for some reason i couldn't get the wired xb1 controller working on vmware, and that's even on a fresh untouched install so must be a bug with vmware. don't blindly try on your real install till you have tested.
That is what every small developer hopes for, lets face it even ms with all their billions and leagues of minions cannot get right, 3 CU's in a month for crying out loud. One dev on their own cannot hope to get every variable bug free but a dev with time and forum feedback does stand a good chance. Look at pf100 and his Wrapper Script as an example. How many revisions(and time and effort) he has made? Is it a bad product? No, its a good tool and he updates extremely regularly, especially in the last 12 months to keep up with bugs and ms schenanigans. RanCorX2 had a problem and he put his money where his mouth is and decided to give it a go himself. I couldnt have. Hats off to anyone who does that.
microsoft's mistake was the insider program, they thought it would mean quicker releases and quick bug fixing, but the fact is, it has meant because of the public betas more and more issues have come to light and not just for the testers but for those who install the so called release builds.
And they got rid of a ton or if not all of their Q and A department so the grapevine says. Dont know if thats true but it appears to be.
The more features they pile on and the more they insist on "tweaking" stuff that isn't broken, the problems will continue.
Like adding silly new eye candy features. An os is like a dinner plate to me, it does nothing except be a dinner plate and as long as it holds food im happy.
to me windows is the desktop + taskbar + explorer & start menu, nothing more nothing less. don't need all the extra crap, didn't need it on windows 8 and don't need it now.
I was saying to Enthousiast in chat quite a bit can be done just by tweaking stuff and removing some of the non essential items. It doesnt reduce bloat by massive amounts though but it can give a well behaved os. I spend less time using the os itself and more time getting things done.
yeah, never in all the years of using windows on the pc have I had to change / configure so much before it feels just right. (and i mean when you do a clean install) just got sick of that so i thought why not cut out all that time wasting crud and just delete all the stuff so i don't have to configure anything.
yeah, good old batch files ay, you can do a lot with them working on next release with some more corrections.
You cant learn from executables because you cant see what they are doing, its all hidden. Bat/cmd files are a great way to learn because you can see what is happening. I cant decompile executables, i dont know how. Is there a program that can "sniff/see/report" exactly what a program is doing? I have tried searching but i cant find an answer
I've tried decompiling exe files in the past but that stuff was just too complex for me, same goes for programming, couldn't get anywhere, found it really hard. Hat's off to those who can code stuff with ease...miracle workers. i just stick to what i know for now.
It is very difficult to disassemble an exe without basic knowledge of assembly language which is much tougher than high level languages like c/c++ & java as it is low level language. The best you can do without knowing assembly language is install some system watcher software like multimon,regshot unicode,installwatch pro etc that monitors entire system & record all changes in registry,directories,system files etc before & after running/installing any software/exe.
Just seeing what files and folders are removed/deleted would be enough, i can track registry changes with RegFromApp.