try going backwards in the thread, there is another mirror. I find it hard to believe you will miss it once you see it.
And I'm sure the torrent posted somewhere in the first page is still alive, I have it running too but my upload speed is very very low because I'm seeding from Mars.
the magnet is working but it is an corrupted one, tried a few times no success, could not find any good file ... but followed an instruction to add them directly to an iso, and worked fine.
Actually... TPC-MFI.rar (torrent): 671 MB (703*883*529 bytes) SHA1 : 69506da2cb7219104c96f59ef0be70b35b0cd987 CRC32: b268ddd6 TPC-MFI.rar (http): 671 MB (703*883*530 bytes), 1 byte extra in the end, 0x0A SHA1 : 13202d0905a44e0a0897be3ba36ed0c5cf758df8 CRC32: 5dd519af
the checksums of iso inside must be the same (as OP) maybe get diferent checksums because some upload site patching the file to avoid blacklist every time upload diferent checksum
Sorry, forgot to mention that both RARs contains the ISO above with same hash/crc/md5, both extract successfully so the extra byte makes no difference
regarding the funny path error... the maker of this package has descided to hardcode the following: Code: dism /online /add-package /packagepath:%DVDROM%:\MFITPC\Packages\EIE11 /NoRestart /quiet > nul hence: just extracting the iso to the hdd and run the MFITPC.exe wont work... solutions: - mount the iso - extract the iso to the root of one drive
This solution works! Using THINPC to build a VirtualBox VM to be used as a QuickBook PRO 2011 app server with RDPWrap and RemoteApp (Kim Knight) Modules integrated ... DotNet and RDP 8.1 QB requires NET/FW 3.5 for setup which was a no-go under virgin WINTPC Thanks for sharing ...
Just because the project was cancelled there was no need to delete the topic title and 1st post, you could as easily just add [Canceled] to the topic and 1st post... Oh well, if anyone needs the TPC-MFI.rar file in the future and the magnet has no sources or any of the other links don't work, ask here and I'm sure there are still people willing to share the file. Me included, but I have a very very very slow upload speed