Spartan...Spartan... CompanyName: Microsoft Corporation FileDescription: Spartan FileVersion: 11.0.100xx.0 (winmain_prs.xxxxxx-xxxx) ProductName: Internet Explorer IE uprising
Those of you who install the newly leaked build 10036 should help us to understand something about the functions of Spartan browser in a nutshell.
There is information going on online that it is going to practically replace IE rather than have it along side.
That is a good suggestion. It'll be a universal app as much as I can recall from an article I read somewhere in the past.
Internet explorer 11 was quite more ressources and performance friendly compared to chrome. If it's the same with Spartan I will probably use it as my new main browser.
We don't need to conclude very soon. One of the reasons for Project Spartan is because IE is not meeting up to users' requirements.
Since it's an universal app, at least the front-end will be bound to Windows. And the back-end... well, since Edge is a fork of Trident, I guess it will use Direct2D/DirectWrite (or simply DirectX technology) for rendering as well, so Windows-only too. Maybe the DOM parts are portable, but much of the rest would need serious work to bring it to other platforms. I don't expect to see Spartan on other platforms soon, but I'm open to surprises. PS: I really hope they keep the Spartan name, but I fear they eventually come up with some silly joke.
Love how they use a non-zero origin in the Kraken chart to make the differences between browsers appear bigger.
Sure, but it is unintuitive if the bar lengths are not proportional to the actual numbers. Charts are there to quickly visualize proportions and should not require me to look at raw numbers to make out the actual proportions.