I checked about your Modem, it's an Docsis3 Cable Modem Router. I use also Docsis3, just an Cisco. Now, if you assigned all computers with their fixed IP, than you'll need to do the same for the W10TP machine. As I wrote already, it's not possible to change the settings in W10TP for the Network, and if those settings (NetMask and Gateway) differs from those of your settings in Modem, you'll need to change those. If they're the same, you'll need to key in the settings of the Test/Main machine to the modem and also, if the Firewall is enabled in modem, allow that Test/Main for access.
OK, got it! In Modem, change the Number of CPEs from 64 to 244 and you get the full availabel range except the first 10 from which 1 ist the Modem/Gateway IP That normally should be works if the other settings are ok too!
Oke did that but still the same I'm thinking about installing windows 10 again with fresh install and see if that resolve the problem I have It all started after installing build 10051 reverting to 10049 from image did not help so there is something strange going on here
Try the following: from those machine with either IP use to ping the Test/Main: and if that works, the problem could be simply the sharing and you've to look in that! It's just to find out the Test/Main could be 'seen' from those other machine.
Thx @Pisthai for all the tips Have installed fresh install and guess what it works again !! Crazy windows now testing with restoring image and hoop that It keeps working
You're welcome. Windows 10 TP still has a lot problems and special, if the network involves it makes us crazy!
I was having this problem all the time in 9926, it cleared up in latter builds but appears to be back for me in 10049 I have five shares on my server all with the same permissions but after a while one tells me I don't have permissions to access it, yet the other four still work. If I leave it alone eventually all the folders pop up the same permissions error. The only solution I've found is a reboot, after rebooting and without touching the permissions all the folders are accessible again You know their working on the Network Stack, with all these issues. But, I bet its no better than before.
I really hope this IPv4 thing is not on the rtm version - it will put off a lot of users Why MS will do this is in the first place is just mind boggling
To change DNS to google use powershell with admin and enter this - Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -ServerAddresses, You replace google DNS with your choice. This solve my problem connecting to internet.
Seems to be that you didn't get it!! The problems isn't the DNS Address, it's the IP Address of the internal NIC! That could not be changed, even not with PowerShell! Read all related post and you know what we're complaining about!