@oile Can you please run "slmgr.vbs /dlv" (w/o the quotes) on the factory installed os & share the output??
Surely. It will arrive on 23/09 at home. These will be my very first operation to see what I can do. I suspect it would be a SL Chinese version. But certainly I'll come back here, thanks
Yes it's normal, dism can handle relative paths not sure what's the problem with you, is your system Windows 8? and using Windows 8.1 ADK? Code: OS Version=6.2.9200 Dism.exe version: 6.3.9600.16384
Very easy if Windows is already on the machine. This is my redneck recovery partition method Copy the ISOs \sources folder to the root of a USB or HDD partition or have the burnt ISO in the drive. You CANNOT use the partition you are going to (Re)install Windows to. Copy an appropriate boot.wim to (i use) c:\Windows\system32\boot.wim. (My script will do this) *Note* The boot.wim CAN be on the drive you intend to format to (re-)install Windows. When initially booted it is loaded into memory (ramdisk) so the drive containing the boot.wim can be formatted after you reach the WinPE setup screen or desktop. This is the true magic of this method for when there is a single partition, no DVD rom and you can't boot from USB. Shucks, this even defeats secure boot. Run the following code. EasyBCD is treacherous as it doesn't handle EFI and in MBR it merely uses an edited grub4dos grldr with an annoying dedicated folder on your root. This cmd is pure BCD commands doing what EasyBCD should be doing. You can do this for as many boot.wims as you want as long as you edit bootWim=newbootwimname.wim in the cmd. I'm 99% sure the file boot.sdi has to be in the same dir as the boot.wim when booted off an HDD, so this is why i chose system32. (Save as .cmd, run as admin with boot.wim in the same directory as the cmd.) Edit: I think you can use spaces in your paths. If you get errors, try to eliminate spaces in paths. Code: @echo off CD /D "%~dp0" Set BCDEDIT=%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\BCDEDIT.exe set efi=exe %BCDEDIT% /enum > %tmp%\bcd.txt FINDSTR "efi" %tmp%\bcd.txt if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 set efi=efi if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 set efi=exe cls set bootWim=boot.wim set bootWimName=WinPE set bootWimPartition=C set bootWimPath=\Windows\system32 set ramdisksdidevice=C set ramdisksdipath=\Windows\system32 %BCDEDIT% echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Add boot.wim to HDD BCD? echo. echo wim to be copied is %~dp0%bootWim% echo TO echo %bootWimPartition%:%bootWimPath%\boot.wim echo ...as "%bootWimName%" with "winload.%efi%" echo ...with %ramdisksdidevice%:%ramdisksdipath%\boot.sdi echo. echo. if exist %~dp0%bootWim% echo %~dp0%bootWim% found! echo. echo Is this correct? && echo. pause echo Copying %~dp0%bootWim% to %bootWimPartition%:%bootWimPath%\boot.wim if exist "%~dp0%bootWim%" cmd /c echo F | xcopy "%~dp0%bootWim%" %bootWimPartition%:"%bootWimPath%\boot.wim" /cherkyi for /f "tokens=3" %%A in ('%BCDEDIT% /create /device') do set ramdisk=%%A %BCDEDIT% /set %ramdisk% ramdisksdidevice partition=%ramdisksdidevice%: %BCDEDIT% /set %ramdisk% ramdisksdipath "%ramdisksdipath%\boot.sdi" for /f "Tokens=3" %%A in ('%BCDEDIT% /create /d "%bootWimName%" /application osloader') do set GUID=%%A %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% systemroot \Windows %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% detecthal Yes %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% winpe Yes %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% osdevice ramdisk=[%bootWimPartition%:]"%bootWimPath%\boot.wim",%ramdisk% %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% device ramdisk=[%bootWimPartition%:]"%bootWimPath%\boot.wim",%ramdisk% %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% path \Windows\system32\boot\winload.%efi% %BCDEDIT% /set %guid% locale en-US %BCDEDIT% /displayorder %guid% /addlast %BCDEDIT% /Default {current} %BCDEDIT% /set {current} bootmenupolicy standard %BCDEDIT% /timeout 5 %BCDEDIT% pause goto :eof It should now show up in the initial BCD menu when you (re)boot. Boot the boot.wim. Do setup as normal. Setup should scan all drives as per usual for the first \sources direcory it finds in the root of a drive (your HDD partition, USB or DVD) and work as if you had booted from that volume. *Final caveat* If you do this and reinstall windows without formatting the Recovery partition (ESP) the BCD entried will remain but the boot.wim will obviously been deleted. You will have to manually copy boot.wim back to c:\windows\system32\boot.wim or wherever you chose in the script.
Unfortunately that script (from W81BingSL.7z) has some problems. -%PATH% with spaces wasn't recognized correctly (NVIDIA creates such paths) -There's a %CD% variable I couldn't find the place where it's defined I'm not very good with scripts so I replaced the paths with static ones. Now it seems to run (still does).
set reserves and handle spaces as part of the path like the ADK default path: Code: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\amd64\DISM %CD% represent Current Directory path cd /d "%~dp0" changes the path to the script's location e. g. Code: cd /d "%~dp0" -> cd /d "C:\Path to Script\" set Path=%CD%\bin -> set Path=C:\Path to Script\bin anyway, using short spaceless path is always recommended
I'm talking about the %PATH% variable, determined by Windows and other installed software. When running the script unmodified, all I get is " \NVIDIA was unexpected at this time". That error seems to be caused by the set %PATH%=%newpath%;%PATH% line.
I see well, that part was taken of ADK default batch, and it's used if you installed ADK you can try change it from: Code: SET PATH=%NewPath:"=%;%PATH% to Code: SET PATH=%NewPath%;%PATH%
Alright, since some system has problems with relative paths and using %path% environment variable i made a different version of the scripts with absolute (full) paths just extract the new scripts to the same directory replacing the first ones i'll replace the main package once it have been proven problems-free
the new script also doesn't work for me and I don't understand it because all paths are valid and I see both WIM files in it : Code: 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Starting Dism.exe session -----> 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Host machine information: OS Version=6.2.9200, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=4 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Dism.exe version: 6.3.9600.17029 2014-09-19 08:50:47, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Executing command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\AMD64\DISM\dism.exe" /ScratchDir:"D:\W81BingCC\TEMP\scratch" /Mount-Wim /Wimfile:"D:\W81BingCC\TEMP\install.wim" /Index:1 /MountDir:"D:\W81BingCC\MOUNT\install" [2456] [0x80070003] OpenFilterPort:(582): Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. [2456] [0x80070003] FltCommVerifyFilterPresent:(1169): Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. [2456] [0x80070003] WIMMountImageHandle:(877): Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. [2456] [0x80070002] StateStoreRemoveMountedImage:(1041): Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. [2456] [0x80070002] WIMMountImageHandle:(1116): Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. 2014-09-19 08:50:48, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=2456 TID=3236 Failed to mount the image. - CWimImageInfo::Mount(hr:0x80070003) 2014-09-19 08:50:49, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=2456 TID=3236 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:2756 - CWimManager::InternalOpMount(hr:0x80070003) 2014-09-19 08:50:49, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=2456 TID=3236 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:4085 - CWimManager::InternalCmdMount(hr:0x80070003) 2014-09-19 08:50:49, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=2456 TID=3236 Error executing command - CWimManager::InternalExecuteCmd(hr:0x80070003) 2014-09-19 08:50:49, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=2456 TID=3236 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:2273 - CWimManager::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x80070003)
Failing to mount could be an issue with the permissions. Are you running the script as administrator? Is there some sort of a/v program running?