Another successfully patched test machine W8 x32 b9200 (NX bit only): BTW: Windows Messenger still works HT works: W8 is aware about missing NX (DEP is disabled): All updates applied: BTW: Jan's patch is working for W8 RP b8400 x32 all these versions: HAL_v6-2-8400-0 x32 HAL_v6-2-8400-114 x32 KB2727113 NTOSKRNL_v6-2-8400-0 x32 WINLOAD_v6-2-8400-0 x32
Jan, pls, is for W8-1 x64 "Addidtional CPU Checks" also required to patch to patch both hal*.dll files?
The hal.dll/halmacpi.dll patch is only needed if the NX patch was applied. Since x64 CPUs have to support NX there is no need to for an NX patch and thus, you don't have to patch hal.dll/halmacpi.dll on x64.
Because in previous versions only "NX". Now "Remove SSE2 and NX check" together.
Yep, I mean W8-1 RTM, W8-1 P is already working with patch (check the files in RAR above). BTW: It is great you are the admin now, as there is no longer banning threat for me, hehe.
What is the difference? Super Moderator sounds great enough. (...does it include access to nuke-briefcase?) Hey everybody, I have Super Moderator in friend list, so don't mess about with me.
could/should we maybe open a new thread with some summarized info on Jan1's work? a thread that could be made sticky? thanks
Not a bad idea. Jan1 should open a new thread. Then it can be moved to Projects and Applications section.
Hey guys. I successfully installed Windows 8 using my old P4 HT 2.4Ghz. I can't believe how people can figure these things out. Truly incredible. After installing updates, however, I am running into some issues (0x0000005D BSOD). I understand that I should simply be able to re-run the patch to fix ntoskrnl.exe, however I think I may have screwed something up. I boot into my Windows 7 setup, hit shift+f10, and run c:/W8CPUFeaturePatch.exe. From here, I can't seem to be able to successfully reapply the ntoskrnl.exe. After I click on 'Remove SSE2 and NX check', I manually navigate to C:/Windows/System 32/ , where I then double click on ntoskrnl.exe. After doing this I get an error stating 'patch failed, patch location not found'. I've tried replacing all files (hal.dll, halmacpi.dll, ntoskrnl.exe or winload.exe), and nothing seems to work. Am I having a brain fart and missing anything obvious here? Thanks!
Make sure you have run the following command successfully after updates and patching winload.exe: bcdedit /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes