[Q] Win 8, bypass PAE/NX/SSE2 check

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by TziMmys, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. ztron

    ztron MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2013
    howdy folks

    I am ztron and I am a Multibooter.

    This is my first post.

    But I have read through a few threads over time.

    In the tutorial for the NX-bit workaround, what would happen if you tried booting to the W81 DVD to accomplish the process?

    The tutorial does seem to emphasize booting to a Windows 7 DVD to partition, format, unWIM the install binary, patch the resulting fileset, BCDBOOT, BOOTSECT, and finally BCDEDIT.

    Has anyone tried this using a command prompt from some other OS besides a Windows 7 DVD?

    thanks and best regards
  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Windows 8.x DVD won't even boot on non-capable systems.
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  3. ztron

    ztron MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2013
    Hi Carlos, thanks for the information.

    Now it looks like I'm working toward using WXP Pro command prompt to accomplish the process,
    since it is really the XP PC's which need the workaround.

    It would be good to have a proven procedure for a regular old XP machine to create a new 16GB+ partition,
    then apply the w81 WIM & patches, finally set it up for regular dual boot, all from the XP command prompt.
    Provided there is enough space on the XP volume beforehand to shrink it by at least 16gb.

    Guess I won't be booting to a W8.x DVD on non-NX PC's, but with a good technique for the XP prompt,
    the only things I forsee needing would be imagex and the W8.x DVD to at least get the WIM from.
    IIRC the DISM is already on the W8 DVDs, could that substitute for imagex?

    thanks and best regards
  4. Lotusisrael

    Lotusisrael MDL Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    If your CPU supports Windows 8 x64, but not Windows 8.1 x64, you can use a Windows 8 x64 DVD for boot, tested this. Of course, I realise that for x86 instalations of Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 you need a Windows 7 DVD, and for a x64 instalation of Windows 8.1 (including Windows Server 2012 r2), you can use a Windows 8 x64 (including Windows Server 2012) DVD.
  5. ztron

    ztron MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2013
    Thanks again for the information, in my case I am mostly concerned with 32bit for now,
    but it is good to have as many findings documented as possible on this subject.

    Well, this is working pretty good so far from XP Pro.
    I only needed a W7 DVD (and DVD drive) for a PC to accept the more recent patches.
    Then found a proper W7 Recovery boot CD which would do it.
    but not every CDROM can boot to it, not every CDROM drive is working anyway.
    The w81 WIM file can be brought in by USB then, although USB 1.1 is only on some of the PC's.
    Patience is required.

    In the end W81 boots just as fast as XP.

    This motherboard is a Biostar U8668D ver:7.7
    VIA P4M266A+VT8235
    Socket 478, Micro ATX
    S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR, Cmedia AC'97 Audio
    VIA PCI 10/100mb Fast Ethernet
    VIA USB 2.0
    Support Prescott CPU
    BIOS R41

    Processor Pentium 4 32bit 2.4Ghz
    HTT Hyperthreading YES
    Hypervisor/Virtualization NO
    NX-bit NO
    SSE2 YES
    SSE3 YES

    XP Pro SP3

    I bought this system for my brother about ten years ago, he didn't run it every year,
    and it wasn't running at all the last 3 years so its still in fairly good condition.
    Old and reliable, like me :)

    Now running W81preview, runs good and seems like all is well.

    This is not the first older PC I have put W8 on, last year I first was using W8CP which seemed to work just fine.
    Then when W8RP failed to boot on the same hardware it was very disappointing, I've got an office full of XP boxes.
    For W8 I have only been using the previews. I kind of thought it was something about ntoskrnl, so I gave up at the time.
    Over the last year however I have sure learned a lot about booting linux though.

    Now it looks like Jan1 has made a remarkable bit of progress in this area, many thanks are due to him and his associates. :clap3:

    Before embarking I had enhanced my XP to include the IMAGEX from vista along with the other supporting files from NT6 that
    are needed for XP to be able to do the imaging of WIM files.

    Plus streamlined the XP Pro process of granting permissions to the NTOSKRNL & WINLOAD exe's so that I can patch them. (Without adjusting these permissions

    beforehand, there would be an error like "Cannot Create File" when you try to patch)
    In Xp Home it looks like it should work after you add a Security tab using SCESP4I.EXE.

    Also placed on the root of my XP volume the BCDBOOT, BOOTSECT, and BCDEDIT from NT6, and they do work from the XP CMD prompt.

    the two critical w81 files could then be corrected for the NX obstruction while still booted to XP, by using version 1.2 of Jan1's patches,
    running command:
    c:\w8nxpatch.exe w:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
    followed by:
    c:\removewinloadpatchguard.exe w:\windows\system32\winload.exe

    There is no GUI in version 1.2 and this simple command line syntax directs the patchers to correct the fileset contained on volume W:

    Now with version 1.4, filename w8cpufeaturepatch.exe, and its associated files located in C:\,
    the command:
    will launch the newer GUI version having additional useful patches.
    However I have not been able to apply these patches to W:\windows\system32 while booted to XP on C:,
    therefore I have then been rebooting to the W7 DVD to accomplish this step, as in the tutorial.

    If there is a way to use v1.4 to still patch the virgin W81 fileset from XP before first boot, that would be
    good to know.

    As I understand it, this patching corrects the obstruction, but without actual support of the NX bit by the CPU, then running some Metro apps
    will cause a crash? Which ones? I have only tried a couple default Metro apps but it seemed OK. Really the default Metro apps look like the kind of thing

    where you would think "they've got a website for that" so why would you want a Windows app which is incompatible with previous Windows versions.

    many thanks and best regards
  6. Gelip

    Gelip MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    I have Athlon XP 2400+ and try apply patch but Win8 not start :-(. I make patch for PAE, SSE2 & NX, hal.dll, halmacpi and patchguard x86. After reboot PC have only black screen and monitor LED and NumLock LED blink for 1 second and this repeat after 40 seconds. Still black screen :-(
    I'm not sure how well I use the patch?. File winload.exe is in two locations:

    • 1. C:\Windows\System32
    • 2. C:\Windows\System32\Boot

    Which winload.exe file need to patch?
    Remove PAE Check - path 1 or path 2 ?
    Remove winload patchguard x86 - path 1 or path 2 ?
  7. ColdMoney21

    ColdMoney21 MDL Novice

    Aug 31, 2012
    I got an old HP Pavilion lying around with the same processor Athlon XP 2400+. As far as I know our processor does not have PAE/NX/SSE2. Would have been nice to have a Windows 8.1 DVD with the checks bypassed.
  8. Gelip

    Gelip MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    I try also with Windows 8.1 Blue RTM but after patch PC reboots 2-3 times (Recovery screen) and next restart see Startup Settings menu F1-F9:
    If select F6 (Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt) then see flash error window Winlogon.exe - illegal instruction 0xc000001d and Numlock LED also blink :-(
  9. 3m4shik

    3m4shik MDL Novice

    Jun 19, 2013
    #230 3m4shik, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
    Got the same problem here with a Sempron 3000+ 2,0ghz x32 , Nvidia Geforce FX5200
    on the first restart i saw Windows logo with spinning dots, and then a blank screen but hard drive was working. I left it for more than half an hour and eventually decided to kill it and restart. On the second and other restarts i see Windows logo and then blank screen but this time processor works for some seconds and then stops: if i move the mouse i can see the pointer on the blank screen,and if i press ESC or RETURN computer restarts itself. I suppose it is a BSOD without actually seeing it...very strange! However i am unable to start in Safe Mode because pressing F8 on boot has no effect (windows 8 feature?)

    Could it be a video driver issue? Windows 8 tryies to install a video driver that uses SSE2 instructions?
    But my video card is really old, even Windows 7 uses a Vista driver...and usually, on every windows install, it starts using default VGA driver (maybe they updated default VGA driver injecting SSE2 instructions?).

    You guys that are having the same blank screen, what graphic card do you own?
    Did anyone successfully run windows 8 with a SSE2- negative processor?

    EDIT: i tried applying also PAE patch and Hyperthreading (even if not needed for this platform) patches but problem persists

    However, Jan1, that job that you are doing is amazing! Thanks

    EDIT n.2:
    1) to discover the letter assigned to your USB pen drive from the command prompt, you can use:

    wmic logicaldisk get caption,description,filesystem

    2) To edit bcd NoIntegritychecks option from the command prompt of another windows installation you can use

    bcdedit /store X:\boot\bcd -set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes

    where X is the drive letter of your Windows 8 partition discovered using the prevous command i suggested
    otherwise bcdedit -set .... will modify the bcd of your current windows installation

    EDIT n3: after killing windows 8 during the spinning dots and restarting multiple times, eventually Windows 8 says that the computer can't start because of
    0xc0000001 error, press F8 for more options (a bit different from 0xc00000d1). I tried every option in the menu, including
    - low resolution mode
    - no signatures (F7)
    without success
  10. affineer

    affineer MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2013
    #231 affineer, Sep 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Where do we have to use BCDEDIT commands to turn off signature checking...?
    When I apply patches of ntoskrnl and winload.. windows setup refuses to load from boot menu -gives signature verification error. I have Windows 8 CP already installed on my p4 pc. I cant use F8 for Windows setup (build 9200).

  11. tomchr

    tomchr MDL Novice

    Sep 21, 2013
    Win 8.1 on Non-PAE CPU

    Hi als1956!

    I have a similar old laptop with almost identical specs, a Thinkpad T42 with 1.8 Ghz dothan CPU (no PAE and no NX bit). Did you get Windows 8/8.1 Pro RTM to work on your laptop and how is it running?

    If anyone has a successful install on similar CPU equipped system, please let me know ;-)

    Thanks for reading, Tom
  12. affineer

    affineer MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2013
    hi I m trying to follow great guides of MDL to install Windows 8 pro 32-bit on my DELL GX270 P4... I have patched required files ntoskrnl winload hal...etc. I cant set integritychecks OFF.
    I used bcdedit command to turn off digital signature verification..but it always failed with error USERNV.dll is not either designed to run on windows or is corrupted....blah blah.
    I booted my pc from windows 7 bootable usb... F8 did not work... it took me to installation of windows 7.

    help guys please
  13. jeditobe

    jeditobe MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2013
    [h=1]Win 8.1

    Win 8.1, how to bypass PAE/NX/SSE2 check?
  14. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    Checked today's Update-Tuesday and there is no new modification of NTOSKRNL.EXE, HAL.DLL, HALMACPI.DLL, WINLOAD.EXE... for W8-0 x32...

    ...so it is safe to update.
  15. dragon131

    dragon131 MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2013
    I tried to install windows 8.1 from lastest version win 8.0. (the windows 8.1 version i have, is the dreamspark version).

    Not lucky, afer patch winload, nxbit, and winload. After reset, the computer returns:

    "Your pc needs to restart.
    Please hold down the power button


    And the system come back to win 8.0..

    Is a pentium 4 3,4 northwood. So, is imposible patch win 8.1?.
  16. mmmirkec

    mmmirkec MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2013
    I will send u tut for very easy installation if you still have the problem
  17. fabolousrmx

    fabolousrmx MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2013
    Hey everyone,

    I've been trying to install 8.1 over 8 x64 all afternoon using Faike's guide. I've been using the pre patched ntoskrnl.exe injected into install.wim to bypass x64 cpu checks, but everytime I recompile install.wim into the iso and run it from a usb within windows it still indicates I can't install 8.1 due to compareexchange128.

    What am I doing wrong?
  18. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    Rather extract install.wim to empty drive by imagex and make it bootable by BCDboot and then replace those three files manually...
    ...then insert it into target PC and simply boot, it will bring you to last phase of installation...
  19. fabolousrmx

    fabolousrmx MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2013
    Hey thanks for the quick reply, could you explain a bit more how I could do this?

    Install the patched ntoskrnl right into my windows system32? overwrite?

    Sorry don't want to mess this up!