[Q] Win 8, bypass PAE/NX/SSE2 check

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by TziMmys, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    #241 moderate, Oct 20, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2013
    It is quite simple, just put that system drive to ANOTHER computer via USB (for example as drive E, while on the drive D: you will have stored some ready made files as imagex.exe, install.wim and cracked files) then:

    D:\imagex.exe /apply D:\install.wim 1 E:\
    (extract install.wim)

    ...then replace ntoskrnl.exe, winload.exe... with cracked ones
    ren E:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnlUNCR.exe
    ren E:\Windows\System32\winload.exe winloadUNCR.exe
    copy D:\ntoskrnl.exe E:\Windows\System32\*.*
    copy D:\winload.exe E:\Windows\System32\*.*

    then make it bootable:
    bcdboot E:\Windows /s E:
    bootsect /nt60 E: /force /mbr

    then disable some MS settings:
    bcdedit /store E:\Boot\BCD /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes
    bcdedit /store E:\Boot\BCD /set {default} RecoveryEnabled No
    bcdedit /store E:\Boot\BCD /set {default} NX AlwaysOff
    bcdedit /store E:\Boot\BCD /set {default} BootMenuPolicy Legacy

    then put it to target PC, boot into the last phase of installation (preparing devices, computer name, etc), installation will turn some of those NoIntegrityChecks, RecoveryEnabled, NX, BootMenuPolicy ON again, so after installation just turn it off again...
  2. fabolousrmx

    fabolousrmx MDL Novice

    Oct 19, 2013
    Ok, I already started working but ill just go over my steps to be totally clear.

    1. I'm currently extracting the install.wim from my 8.1 iso to a virtual drive

    2. (I need to take ownership of \wiondows\system32 on the virtual drive) Then replace ntoskrnl.exe and winload.exe with cracked versions

    3. Then make the virtual drive bootable?

    4. Disable nointegrity checks etc

    5. boot from virtual drive?

  3. FizDart

    FizDart MDL Novice

    Sep 5, 2013
    Hi, I have successfully pached files with Windows 8 CPU Feature Patch and applied NoIntegrityChecks Yes, RecoveryEnabled No, NX AlwaysOff, BootMenuPolicy Legacy flags on bcd.
    Windows 8.1 are running perfect on my Pentium 4, but then I try to reboot from advanced options(like command line, startup fix, restore image and etc.), PC reboots and shows
    "Your pc needs to restart.
    Please hold down the power button"

    and 0x000000A error code with some parameters.
    It is exactly same error then trying to boot windows normally without pached files. So I think booting to recovery uses different file(s) and then checking cpu compatibility fails.

    Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

    Thanks :)
  4. dragon131

    dragon131 MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2013
    [QUOTEHi, I have successfully pached files with Windows 8 CPU Feature Patch and applied NoIntegrityChecks Yes, RecoveryEnabled No, NX AlwaysOff, BootMenuPolicy Legacy flags on bcd.
    Windows 8.1 are running perfect on my Pentium 4, but then I try to reboot from advanced options(like command line, startup fix, restore image and etc.), PC reboots and shows
    "Your pc needs to restart.
    Please hold down the power button"

    and 0x000000A error code with some parameters.
    It is exactly same error then trying to boot windows normally without pached files. So I think booting to recovery uses different file(s) and then checking cpu compatibility fails.

    Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

    Thanks :)][/QUOTE]

    Is my problem, same mensaje with


    My system to install, is little diferent, Because I have installed, winxp+windows7+windows 8. So normally In windows 7 or xp I patched files, and apply to system 32(in windows 8.0). With windows 8.1 I extract install.vim+patch the files And I create a new iso of windows 8.1 with modified install.wim Then I mount the iso in virtual dvdrom. All is o.k. But after reboot after windows 8 load files , the error code appears :(.

    Any ideas?.
  5. dragon131

    dragon131 MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2013
    #245 dragon131, Oct 21, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
    I apreciatte a tutorial yeah, but take in mind, I need uptade windows 8.0->8.1 but I need conserve the win xp and win 7. PC boots C: (winxp). And, you can select windows 7(D:) or windows 8(E:) (c,d,e are different hdd). So I need a turorial, to install in existing partitition.
  6. FizDart

    FizDart MDL Novice

    Sep 5, 2013
    #246 FizDart, Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Is my problem, same mensaje with
    My system to install, is little diferent, Because I have installed, winxp+windows7+windows 8. So normally In windows 7 or xp I patched files, and apply to system 32(in windows 8.0). With windows 8.1 I extract install.vim+patch the files And I create a new iso of windows 8.1 with modified install.wim Then I mount the iso in virtual dvdrom. All is o.k. But after reboot after windows 8 load files , the error code appears :(.
     Any ideas?.
    I don't know will it help, but you may:
    1. deploy install.wim to drive you want to install Windows 8.1;
    2. patch files (ntoskrln.exe, winload.exe and if HT is enabled on your cpu hal.dll and halmacpi.dll) in Windows 8.1 drive/Windows/system32;
    3. use easybcd to create boot entry for windows 8.1 (note you must use windows 7 bootloader for general booting, you can do this by clicking "Install to MBR" or sth like that in easybcd);
    4. open cmd and type: "bcdedit";
    5. find identifier of windows 8.1 boot entry;
    6. bcdedit /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes (replace default with windows 8.1 boot entry);

    Now reboot and it will let you choose to boot in windows 8.1:)
    All these steps is recommended to do in windows 7.

    But anyway, does someone know how to fix 0X000000A error then trying to boot windows 8.1 recovery mode, then windows it self are running great?:confused:
  7. eydee

    eydee Guest

    Whenever you install an OS, set its partition to be the boot partition and hide all others. That way all systems will have their own version of the boot sector and BCD. Configurations won't mix together. To boot an OS, you always set its patition to active (boot). This can be done manual, but of course you don't have to do it, that's why bootloaders were invented. You may even use GRUB, or whatever you like. May personal suggestion is Boot-US, which has some very nice features.
  8. dragon131

    dragon131 MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2013
    #248 dragon131, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    Thank you I was missing from point 3+. I'll try this weekend.

    PD: mmmirkec exactly, I don't have 5 post to respond you just a little more!.
  9. mmmirkec

    mmmirkec MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2013
    #249 mmmirkec, Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
    I'm sorry I did not see it. :biggrin: Add me on skype Artanus1
  10. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    After 12.11.2013 update tuesday there is no mod of W8-0 x32 files patched by Jan's NX patch.
    However W8-1 NTOSKRNL.EXE goes updated to version v6-3-9600-16422 by KB2887595-v2, so there is repatching needed.

    I am curious, who will start call this KB2887595-v2 (due to its size) by something like: "OS Rollup-B" :))
  11. mrnapolean1

    mrnapolean1 MDL Novice

    Nov 17, 2013
    Swapped the files out with the patched ones and I still get the error saying this pc isnt compatible with windows 8.1

    Is there a link somewhere where I can get a working already patched Windows 8 ISO?
  12. chuy409

    chuy409 MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2013
    Hello, and great job on this project!

    I have a problem though. When I run completed everything said in post #4-i boot the computer to windows 8 and when the windows logo and dots spinning, an error comes up saying

    "Install Windows

    The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation."

    I did exactly what wassaid in the instructions. I basically got stuck here. I also ran without digital signature drivers or whatever that option in f8 and it still comes up. Any suggestions is appreciated :D

    System specs:
    Dual Pentium III 1ghz coppermine (obvious no support of any of the 3 required to run windows 8 :biggrin: )
    1.12gb ram
    ECS D6VAA motherboard
    Zotac GT 430 512mb pci
  13. dany90

    dany90 MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2013
    #253 dany90, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
    windows 8.1 when i tri to patch winload.exe it says patch not found :( anyone know what could be wrong?
    also when i boot i get the signature error and if i press f8 then 7 to deisable driver signature it gets stuck at the windows logo

    i suspect its because the need for raid driver
    i use the hdd in raid cause the motherboard have sata only in raid mode

    any way to install the driver from cmd? :)

    AMD Athlon Xp 2600+
    2x512MB RAM
    Motherboard A7N8X-E Deluxe
    GPU FX5200
  14. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    After 10.12.2013 update tuesday there is no mod of W8-0 x32 files patched by Jan's NX patch.

    However W8-1 NTOSKRNL.EXE and WINLOAD.EXE goes updated to version v6-3-9600-16452 by KB2903939, so there is repatching needed. :)
  15. volkoeb

    volkoeb MDL Novice

    Jun 26, 2011
    #255 volkoeb, Jan 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    Hey guys! You are awesome!! I have only one question - I want to upgrade my Windows 8.0 x64 to Windows 8.1 x64. Windows 8.0 worked like a charm, but launching setup.exe from 8.1 original iso image says CompareExchange128 error. I don't wont to do clean install, so is there any way to launch installation of a patched install.wim in UPGRADE mode, NOT clean install!! :worthy: x86 is not a solution...
    Big Thanks in advance!!
    P.S. My CPU is AMD Athlon 4000+.

    UPD: Solved this problem by extracting Windows 8.1 iso in a folder and renaming sources\wica.dll to sources\wica.dl (or it can even be removed). So by doing this all processor compatibility checks were disabled, so the upgrade installation started normally.
    Unfortunately something went wrong and after first reboot I caught BSOD (it was black and too fast, so I didn't see what was written here). But maybe it was my mistake with wim file, so I shall try to check it later, at least the problem which I described in original post was solved.
  16. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    After 14.1.2014 update tuesday there is no mod of W8-0 x32 files or W8-1 x32 files patched by Jan's NX patch.

    So no patching is needed.
  17. Luminai

    Luminai MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2014
    #257 Luminai, Jan 15, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
    I'm trying to install Windows Server 2012 R2 standard on a pc with an AMD Athlon 64 3500+. As I tried to install the first few times I got a 0x5D error and ended up here. Now can someone explain to me what I need to patch in order for it to work? I looked up the specs of the CPU but it seemed to have SSE2, NX/XD bit and PAE (if that's physical address extension, which I guess it is.) so now I'm wondering as what I should do to get it running.

    EDIT: I followed most of the steps but I'm stuck at "bcdedit /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes". When I try to enter that line of code I get an error: The boot configuration data store could not be opened. The requested system device cannot be found.

    I'm looking for a solution to this but I haven't really been successful so far.

    EDIT2: Tried everything again and now it did work, however when I rebooted I still got an error message error code 0x1E Parameters 0xFFFFFFFFFFC000001D 0xFFFFF80018BE3D76 0xFFFFF80018DD6A80 0xFFFFFA800181744.

    I hope someone can help me with this. I'm taking a break from it now as I would like to keep myself sane. I will be keeping an eye on the forum.
  18. MarcelPfister

    MarcelPfister MDL Novice

    Jan 18, 2014
    10 days ago I realised to have the same problems concerning installation of Windows 8. This with two machines, Dimension 8400 and 5000 from Dell, both having Pentium 4 CPUs not supporting NX Bit, PAE and SSE2 were supported. I didn't want to have a software solution always having to update the files after every Windows 8/8.1 update. So I bought "new" CPUs. Fortunately both Dells were using the same socket LGA775. The xxxJ versions of the Pentium 4 processor (see Wikipedia, List_of_Intel_Pentium_4_microprocessors) support NX bit. I chose a HT 560J. I got them, put them on the boards of both machines, and coreinfo (see Microsoft Technet) shows an asterisk (*) at NX option. Also in both BIOS the additional Security option "Execute Disabled" was available (when it was not before CPU change) and set to On. This may be an alternative to the described software workaround. I didn't yet install Windows 8, but I suppose there might be no problem with the changes CPUs.
  19. moderate

    moderate MDL Guru

    Aug 31, 2009
    #259 moderate, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
    ...or there is even better solution. Clean whole table, cram all those legacy stuff to trash can and buy a new shining toys. :)

    IMHO is topic is more about, how MS (stupid) limits can be suppressed, than about real usage of those old system in some important tasks...
  20. recky

    recky MDL Novice

    Nov 19, 2009
    Great it works!

    Got Windows 8.1 x86 running on an old HP Compaq NC6000 :)

    Had some trouble with the 'take ownership' file, which didn't seem to work. Manually took ownership of system32 (AND REMOVED THE PREVIOUSLY CREATED .BAK FILES) and then I finally got the 'done' notify. After that no more 0xc0000260 boot error, but a nice Windows 8 logo instead :)

    Many thanks!