Hi, were you using Jan1's tool to patch the windows 8.1 copy? or you started from windows 8 and then upgraded to 8.1?
I've got the same CPU (2.0 GHz Pentium M - Dothan) but the patch didn't work for me. Can you tell me exactly the steps (and the patch) you've followed to do it pls? Many thanks!
What would i have to do after installing the latest Update post-Windows 8.1, since my computer no longer boot? I have been using the patch to run windows 8.1 successfully on a Pentium M 1.8GHz toshiba laptop for a while. I guess winload.exe has a new version.
I have two toshibas here, Windows 8.1 works well, but after first batch of updates it doesn't boot anymore (only in safe mode), patching files from windows 7 boot dvd have NO effect (but actually they GOT patched).
So... Pentium P4 2.0A (Supports PAE and SSE2, doesn't support NX) 2GB DDR 400MHz Radeon 9600Pro HDD Seagate 80GB PATA VIA motherboard After hours of screwing around with install.wim I finally managed to install Win8.1 Pro (legit ofc) on that 11 years old rig. It was clean install with completely formatted HDD via WinPE. It installed Windows 8 Core which I had to update to Pro. In that update process I had three BSODs -> MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR and REFERENCE_BY_POINTER. All three of them were caused by ntokrnl.exe. I used murphy78s latest Windows AIO Pro x86 with slipstreamed updates until this month (July). Update to Pro, despite BSODs, completed successfully and now I have uptime over an hour without problems. I am starting to install apps, for now all the essential apps (CCleaner, Speccy, Revo Uninstaller, legacy ATI drivers) are working properly. Windows Activation had some hiccups (PC Settings would crash) but I managed to insert my MSDN key and Windows is activated! I will test it out a bit more, some syncs and updates (not Windows Updates) and I will let my PC work over night. BSODs are a bit worrysome but if they stop (or if I find cause) I think Win8.1 will definitely replace Windows 7 that worked (a bit slowly though) for the last 2 years. EDIT: Aaaaaand nope, OS is crashing every ~30 minutes. It's always ntokrnl with various error messages. It seems like some recent update messed up with ntokrnl or some system component has to use NX or SSE2. Is there a way to patch ntokrnl only to mess with NX? My CPU supports SSE2 but doesn't support NX so I would like to minimise any compatibility issues so I would like to have SSE2 up and running. Or, is it possible that Windows Defender makes trouble? IIRC Defender is one of those apps that possibly use NX/SSE2.
So, 5 BSODs in 18 hours. 4 of them are about KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR, this is minidump analysis: Code: Windows 8 Kernel Version 9600 UP Free x86 compatible Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Built by: 9600.17085.x86fre.winblue_gdr.140330-1035 Machine Name: Kernel base = 0x81a0c000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x81c0b438 Debug session time: Sun Jul 20 21:14:36.543 2014 (UTC - 4:00) System Uptime: 0 days 2:52:07.964 ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR (7a) The requested page of kernel data could not be read in. Typically caused by a bad block in the paging file or disk controller error. Also see KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR. If the error status is 0xC000000E, 0xC000009C, 0xC000009D or 0xC0000185, it means the disk subsystem has experienced a failure. If the error status is 0xC000009A, then it means the request failed because a filesystem failed to make forward progress. Arguments: Arg1: c04829e0, lock type that was held (value 1,2,3, or PTE address) Arg2: c000003f, error status (normally i/o status code) Arg3: 711de820, current process (virtual address for lock type 3, or PTE) Arg4: 9053c000, virtual address that could not be in-paged (or PTE contents if arg1 is a PTE address) Debugging Details: ------------------ TRIAGER: Could not open triage file : e:\dump_analysis\program\triage\modclass.ini, error 2 ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000003f - {Bad CRC} A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum error occurred. BUGCHECK_STR: 0x7a_c000003f CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 1 DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: WIN8_DRIVER_FAULT PROCESS_NAME: svchost.exe CURRENT_IRQL: 0 LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 81b4a937 to 81b13244 STACK_TEXT: 89a447e0 81b4a937 0000007a c04829e0 c000003f nt!KeBugCheckEx 89a44858 81a3b80d 81c2e380 00000000 00000000 nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x1dd15 89a44874 81b00fb0 89a448dc c0000017 89a448f0 nt!MiPfCompleteInPageSupport+0x21 89a44894 81a3b7d6 89a448dc 00000001 8f6bfb00 nt!MiPfCompleteCoalescedIo+0xa4 89a448ac 81a8644b 00000001 00000000 89a448dc nt!MiPfCompletePrefetchIos+0x6c 89a44924 81d3d3c5 00000000 00000001 0000111c nt!MiPrefetchVirtualMemory+0x299 89a44984 81d5edf3 8f6bfb00 00000000 0000111c nt!MmPrefetchVirtualMemory+0xd1 89a449e0 81d5e473 00000001 89a44b94 9fa00000 nt!PfpPrefetchPrivatePages+0x195 89a44a94 81d5e1e0 7dd86363 fffffffe 01a0f7c8 nt!PfpPrefetchRequestPerform+0x1c5 89a44af4 81cc5bf5 7dd86253 00000014 00000000 nt!PfpPrefetchRequest+0xdc 89a44bc4 81cc5160 00000014 d0204001 7dd864d7 nt!PfSetSuperfetchInformation+0xe3 89a44d40 81b24377 0000004f 01a0f7b4 00000014 nt!NtSetSystemInformation+0xd0 89a44d40 777735d4 0000004f 01a0f7b4 00000014 nt!KiSystemServicePostCall WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong. 01a0f84c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0x777735d4 STACK_COMMAND: kb FOLLOWUP_IP: nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+1dd15 81b4a937 81fe16000080 cmp esi,80000016h SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 1 SYMBOL_NAME: nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+1dd15 FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: nt IMAGE_NAME: ntkrpamp.exe DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 53388ef6 FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x7a_c000003f_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+1dd15 BUCKET_ID: 0x7a_c000003f_nt!_??_::FNODOBFM::_string_+1dd15 Followup: MachineOwner Can you guys help mi out on this?
Hi als1956 and everybody, Last week I've tried many times the (jan1 proc.) but dont work for me. 1)remove PAE ....open winload.exe and save *.*.bak (correct?) 2)remove SSE2/NX open ntoskrln.exe and save *.*bak (correct?) 3)remove patchguardX86 open winload.exe again?is this correct and why? cannot save file. after n.9 jan1 proc. W:\bcdedit /set {default} NoIntegrityChecks Yes (no file found) - Rebooted and selected "Windows 8.1" from the list; - Got 0xc0000428 error because windows cannot verify the digital signature of winload.exe. Any idea? many thanks orsone
Sorry everybody I forget the spec of my notebook pentium 4m 1,7 ghz 2 gb ram NO PAE/NX/SSE2 I'll forward this thread also to 'tomchr' that have got same my notebook. tia orsone
Thanks everybody on this forum, now I know that with jan1 proc(standalone) I can do that. (but no free hdd) But with FaiKee proc (dual boot) I can't do. many thanks again orsone
Greetings all, New to the forum and joined because I am trying to install on a system without NX and PAE - Dell Inspiron 2200 2.1 GHz Intel "Dothan". Now, according to this post on page 12 (forum won't let me post links yet or PM anyone since I'm still new) there is a person that has a "Banias" chip - similar to mine, but a little different, and they ended up getting Win8 installed. Now, I'm a total noob, so when I see terms on this entire thread like WindowsPE, patch this, etc., I'm confused. So, for starters, I currently have Win7 on said system. Are there any files I need to edit on Win7 before I try installing Win8? Also, what hex editor is recommended? Thanks! VV5
Wazoo, Thanks for the reply. Somehow I didn't get notification that your reply posted. My apologies. I'll take a loo at the links your provided and post back with any questions. Thanks! VV5
Just want to say I got Windows 8.1 Pro on an IBM Thinkpad A31 2652, it took aleast a week to get everything to load properly but through trial and error I present Windows 8.1 Pro on a Thinkpad A31. Personally I think Windows 8/8.1 works alot better on the Thinkpad then Windows XP or Windows 7 I have had no BSODS no random shut downs, no freezing, you would actually think Windows 8 should have been on these Dinosaur machines. Although I do still have to Press F8 - F7 to disable driver enforcement but never the less all my drivers worked, accept the wireless with a quick windows update it fixed this. If anyone knows how to permanently have windows access the F7 option by ts self without user input that would be great to know and much appreciated!
So I looked at the links provided by Wazoo (won't let me post links yet sorry). First and foremost, the first link says not to use the patches on your main OS. So I have another HDD with Win7 on it (don't care if I screw it up, has no useful data and is for the trial run for the Win8 install to understand what's going on). So, back to this point of not installing the patches on your main OS, then how exactly do you do it? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I just want to get it right. But then there's also another link at on the forum at threads/37517-Q-Win-8-bypass-PAE-NX-SSE2-check/page12?p=771750&viewfull=1#post771750 So which instructions do I follow? Just a bit confused. Thanks! VV5
Ok, so I get an error when installing Win8. I think my scenario has been covered (no PAE or NX, but I do have SSE2) - see /threads/37517-Q-Win-8-bypass-PAE-NX-SSE2-check/page13 Now, some questions. 1.) When I was following Jan1's code instructions, when I clicked Remove PAE check and Remove SSE2 and NX check, a Open Dialog box opened. Um, well, I guess it's looking for a file??? Is this normal? 2.) Since Jan1 recommends hex editing for my situation - I've never done that before. Any hex editors recommended? Thanks! VV5
Hopefully the images come out ok Wazoo (and thanks again for the response). The first one is for the PAE check, and the second one is for the NX check. Looks like they're looking for files?? VV5