[Q] Win 8, bypass PAE/NX/SSE2 check

Discussion in 'Windows 8' started by TziMmys, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Arnie25

    Arnie25 MDL Junior Member

    Jul 8, 2015
    Download the Waik tools Downloader from here......


    ImageX is in the downloads.(change [dot] to .
  2. firstmode

    firstmode MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2015
    Anyone know if the retail version of Windows 10 will eventually have a community patch to allow bypassing the NX feature incompatibility as Windows 8.1 did?

    I am missing the NX feature on my CPU, but would love to take my computer from Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 10 32-bit!

    8/3/2015 (August 3rd, 2015)
  3. Grisu65

    Grisu65 MDL Novice

    Jan 21, 2013
    same to me, would be very nice if somebody could help to make Win10x86 Update from Win7 without NX-support.
  4. roga

    roga MDL Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Please, how to do this for WINDOWS 10?
  5. nomeruno

    nomeruno MDL Novice

    Mar 4, 2014
    I tried to apply this patch on Windows 10 and I thought everything was fine, until ...



    Info:Windows cant verify the digital signature for this file.

    Some guy in youtube showed how install Windows 10 on an old computer. The trick was that after the bооtloader (first install Windows 7, then Windows 10) by pressing F8, chose the option "disable verify the digital signature"!

    I think here is the problem - verify the digital signature ... But I'm not sure ... :confused:
  6. #346 Deleted member 619221, Sep 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2015
    ok, sorry.

    Excuse me please but I only registerd me on this webpage, because i want to download this file:


    And I'm very angry because the registration process on this webpage is very difficult!

    You can delete my user account, i only registert it for this one use.
    The used E-Mail Adresse is fake and not in use.

    Excuse me please again!

    Best regards
  7. spapakons

    spapakons MDL Novice

    Nov 20, 2010
    #347 spapakons, Sep 25, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Hello! Just wondered if we can use the same trick to install Windows 10. Do we need different tools? I'll try and let you know if the same tools apply for Windows 10...

    EDIT: Well, I didn't have a real old PC and a spare disk t try, but I created a new "Windows XP" machine in VMWare to try it. I remember older versions of VMWare Workstation would let you specify whether NX and PAE are on, but version 10 doesn't (my host CPU is Core-i3). However, I pretended the CPU is not compatible and proceeded. I booted with a Windows 7 CD, and on main setup screen I pressed SHIFT+F10 to get the command prompt. I then used diskpart and imagex to create the partition on the virtual hard disk and copy the Windows 10 installation files from \sources\install.wim onto the hard disk. I then used W8CPUFeaturePatch to patch the relevant files, as if the CPU was really incompatible such as a typical Prescott. So far so good. When I attempted to reboot from the hard disk, I got an error that the ntoskrnl's signature is not valid, so I selected the advanced boot options and then to "ignore driver signature" (choice 7). I had to do it once or twice more, until it finally could boot and complete Windows 10 installation. After the initial Windows 10 settings, I installed VMWare tools (drivers) and restarted. I again got an error, so I chose advanced boot options and "ignore driver signatures" to boot Windows 10. To get over this, I clicked on the magnifying glass icon (search) typed cmd and then right-clicked and selected run as administrator to launch a command prompt with administrator's rights. I then typed that command:

    bcdedit /set {current} RecoveryEnabled No

    However it doesn't seem to work as there was again the error about the ntoskrnl file. Sure you can boot with "ignore driver signatures", but it could be more automatic. Maybe I'll try setting it permanently with EasyBCD.

    Yes, this test is not 100% relevant since my host CPU supports NX/PAE, but it's worth trying. If you have an old PC and a spare hard disk, it won't hurt to try and see if it can run Windows 10! Just don't forget the minimum requirements: CPU 1GHz, RAM 1GB, WDDM drivers for the graphics card (at least Vista drivers) otherwise performance will be very slow and disappointing. And of course you have the utilities and the Windows 7 DVD handy in case Windows Update replaces the hacked files. In that case you boot from Windows 7 DVD into command prompt and you patch them again.
  8. vanden

    vanden MDL Junior Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    #348 vanden, Sep 28, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
    I tested with Windows 10 x86 10240 but impossible to extract Install.wim !! I tested many version of imagex/gimagex :
    vandenk (dot) free (dot) fr/gimagex.png

    EDIT :
    I found the problem : The ISO from MediaCreationTool is not intended to be serviced or used in imaging.
    Use the one from VLSC instead.
    Ok I download other iso (Windows 10 Enterprise (x86) MSDN) and it's OK, I patch ntoskrnl.exe/hal.dll/halmacpi.dll.
    After I got an error that the ntoskrnl's signature is not valid, so I selected the advanced boot options and then to "ignore driver signature" (choice 7) ... but after nothing, just the windows logo and PC never boot ...

    ASUS A7M266-D (AMD 760MPX) / 2 x Athlon XPM 2800+ (barton) / 2 x 1Go DDR1 266Mhz.
    My Dvd (Win 10 Pro created by MediaCreationTool) has the same symptom : no error but just the windows logo and PC never boot ...

    I also tested on an ASRock K7NF2-RAID (nForce2 Ultra 400) / Athlon XP 3200+ (barton) / 2 x 512Mo DDR1 400Mhz : same result !
  9. erpsterm35

    erpsterm35 MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    It looks like Win10 does require AMD/Intel CPUs with native SSE2/NX/PAE support and a software patch that had work with Win8.x won't work with Win10 at all.
    Those AMD Athlon XP CPUs are more than a decade old and don't come with the necessary instruction sets (especially w/out SSE2 and many modern programs that I've used have crashed or don't run on those AMD Athlon XP CPUs because of lack of SSE2 support) to reliably run modern Windows OSes. Google Chrome browser versions 35 & greater refuse to install/run on AMD Athlon XPs.
  10. Grisu65

    Grisu65 MDL Novice

    Jan 21, 2013
    maybe youre right, but many of us only would need NX-support for Intel P4 prozessors, it has got SSE2, only NX missing.
    Is there a chance to patch this?
  11. capa51

    capa51 MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2015
    ola soy nuevo tengo pentium 4 sin nx quisiera instalar windows 10
  12. capa51

    capa51 MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2015
    ya instale con exito la build 9960 tp windows 10 aplicando parche w8cpu sin aplicar el winload y funciono. pero con el windows 10 final no dela
  13. capa51

    capa51 MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2015
    gimagex no puede abrir install.wim del windows 10 final.alguna posible solucion . un saludo
  14. radixx11

    radixx11 MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013

    Aparentemente en Windows 10 final, Microsoft decidió remover el soporte para DEP por software. Lamentablemente, hasta el momento no hay solución para evitar esta característica.


    Apparently in Windows 10 RTM, Microsoft decided to remove support for DEP emulation. Unfortunately, there isn't solution so far to avoid this feature.
  15. capa51

    capa51 MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2015
    ok radixx11 a ver si nos ayudan los que mas saben de esto y sacan un parche para windows 10 sin nx yo lo seguire intentando un saludo
  16. capa51

    capa51 MDL Novice

    Oct 12, 2015
    yo llege a instalarle la tp 9960 y iba rapida y fluida en un pentium 4 3.0 ht lo hacia todo muy rapido pero la tp estaba con muchos fallos y la desistale pero el pc tiraba de ella muy bien mi pc es del 2004
  17. radixx11

    radixx11 MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013
    #357 radixx11, Oct 14, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
    El parche para Windows 8 funcionaba gracias a que Microsoft dejó la emulación DEP por software en este sistema y en Win 10 TP. Windows 10 RTM se basa íntegramente en el hardware del procesador (bit NX) para lograr ésta funcionalidad; tratar de crear un emulador/cargador que brinde este soporte, por el momento no es algo fácil o posible de lograr (al menos hasta lo que sé).
    Mientras tanto, habrá que conformarse con
    Win 8.1. :tea:

    The patch for Windows 8 works because Microsoft left DEP emulation on this system and in Win 10 TP. Windows 10 RTM is based entirely on the processor hardware (NX bit) to achieve this functionality; try to create an emulator/loader to provide this feature, at the moment is not easy or possible to accomplish (at least so far as i know).
    Meanwhile, we must settle for Win 8.1. :tea:
  18. radixx11

    radixx11 MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013
    That's for Windows 10 Technical Preview (TP). Like i told you in my previous post, DEP emulation is included in this version of Windows 10, but no in the RTM.
  19. ffdffd

    ffdffd MDL Novice

    Dec 31, 2015
    this program not working and not help me install win8.1 ent on p3 1000mhz/sdr768mb very bad and sad:weep:...i have win8.1 ent x86 iso--unpack iso to new folder (setup.exe and 3-4 folders)...in sources and etc i found 2gb file install.esd...convert esd to wim and unpack 2gb install.wim to folder new2,then launch W8CPUFeaturePatch.exe and click disable sse2/nx/pae then patched ntoskml (done) and winload (done)...then i packed all files on new2 to install.wim and add it with replace in iso (source etc)---write to dvd rw....on p3 load dvd seen w8 image and reboot but on am3+ install start normal...why can not start install on p3?