Easy....They use software like Vista (Im not sure if they moved to another MHR\EHR software), which is nation wide database and made standard for VA's using EMR that is connected to a database. Simple, a location(server\host). That contains web pages.
Even though it certainly wasn't my intention to fire up another general discussion about privacy- I thank you for all the answers and feedback. Almost everything I wanted to know has been answered, especially with the release of the new Build and the clarification of the privacy settings and their behaviour. Still, another n00bish thing remains that I'd really like to get into: How exactly would someone here who knows what he/she's doing would go about sniffing own traffic and identifying processes that might be collecting and sending data involuntarily? I know my way around Wireshark, Netmon, etc but I'm certainly no expert. And again: I don't want an anti-paranoid guide, I'm interested in the technical background and would like to learn a bit more about it. Maybe someone is willing to share some knowledge or point me to a corresponding tutorial, I'd reall appreciate that.
Nope. Fiddler is a network traffic analyzing tool (like Ethereal/Wireshark), not a blocker. It can be used to check for data leaks after applying blocking (via router or a tool like Peerblock).
Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. So after having blocked those addresses in the router, is it still worth getting windows tweaker 4 specifically for its privacy tweaks?
As I said - try using facts and evidence to back up your claims, rather than just insulting me because you can't do so. I have no idea how to even address most of what you wrote. When it comes to this topic there isn't much to know if you have a brain. I'll even write up a quick primer in just six easy to understand words. #hownetworkingworks For the sake of a simple experiment, lets say there was a process called Spying.exe. Following so far? Great! Spying.exe wishes to go online and send out data. Or get data from somewhere. So far so simple, right? We go into Windows Firewall Control. We block Spying.exe from being allowed to connect to the internet, so that no traffic can leave the PC from it, or get to the process from somewhere. Still with me? AMAZING! Now - explain how this does not stop data leaving the PC, or getting to the PC. Take your time if you need to.
Switching off those services will save a little CPU% and memory (from trying to send over and over). Your choice to apply the tweaks or not. It won't block any more the router does*. *Warning: The Teredo service running by default in Windows can bypass the router and any security if the router doesn't specifically block Teredo packets! Teredo can be switched off using Code: netsh int teredo set state type=disabled in an Admin-powered command shell.
How do I know if my router is able to block teredo packets? Its an asus n66u. Is that something that most routers set to block by default?