Hi I tried a few things to patch my Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit to work with after installing new kb patch. Nothing seem to help. I cant even get the RDP window to show to like it had before when patched earlier. What the best way to patch and be able to restore patch thats working? Is the patcher just working for windows 7? If so what would I need to patch Windows 8 as well.
Well, this isn't a patch, because it doesn't modify system files. It's a wrapper library. Supported all systems beginning with NT 6.0 (Vista / Server 2k8), and you can read the general description on the official project page for more details.
I reread instructions and had to add the renamed rdpw64.dll to rdpwrap.dll. I then used the UniversalTermsrvPatch-x64.exe fromUniversalTermsrvPatch_20090425 to patch the dll file and still dont see the setting for remote desktop. When I checked the RDPCheck it show me as looged on but when click my account name has logon failure. Not sure if that how its supposed to be anyways first time using this setup. Any reg files needed and what would they be just one in UniversalTermsrvPatch_20090425 for Window Vista not sure if thats Windows 7 as well. Tried to do remote desktop on pc was trying to work on and still says logon failed. This computer does not use a password but used to be able to logon that way. What other info needed let me know and what am I missing to get this to work? TIA!
Spoiler Any chance there is a way to use the registry to just point to our patched termsrv.dll's, without having to remove/replace the original copy in system32. Would the method you use to point to your rdp wrapper.dll, simply allow our patched dll's to over-ride the untouched copy in system32.
Yes, I think this will work. 1. Patching DLL and saving as termsrv_new.dll 2. Correcting the path in the registry value ServiceDll But you need to remember that updates can broke this manipulation. For example, update package can modify files used by termsrv.dll, and the old version may not recognize new updates. Do you use RDP first time? You need to specify the password for your account, because Windows policy prevents blank password usage on network logons. Of course, you can modify this policy in registry, but it would be unsafe for your PC.
Just tried the tools with the new windows 10 tech preview build and the concurrent logins doesn't work.
Set to 0 for blank passwords Code: Set-ItemProperty -path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "LimitBlankPasswordUse" -Type "DWord" -Value "0x00000000" Re-enable as such. Code: Set-ItemProperty -path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "LimitBlankPasswordUse" -Type "DWord" -Value "0x00000001"
Confirmed working (>2 sessions) on Win7 x64 with KB2984972. Works exactly the same as pre-KB2984972 with patch. Thanks binarymaster!
Well, see post #52 by Mr Jinje. I think it's power shell commands. Also you can do this with reg: 1) Enable blank passwords Code: reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" /v LimitBlankPasswordUse /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f 2) Disable blank passwords Code: reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" /v LimitBlankPasswordUse /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
I recently 'inherited' a network where the old IT guy was using termserv.dll patches, which due to my having patched all the clients, had broken. Thanks to this tool, I was able to restore remote functionality without resorting to the old way of 'patching' the terminal service. I've since removed the old patches in favor of this application, as it resolves many of the short-comings of the old way of patching in remote services on client OS's, and does not make the OS more rickety than it needs to be. All in all, this app has made my life as a tech easier - Thanks for making it, and thanks for offering it up as open source!