For sessions that close immediately, make sure you have passwords on your accounts (default settings do not allow network logins to passwordless accounts, and this is something you really don't want to change), and also that you have firewall port 3389 open. While troubleshooting, you can try to disable the firewall and see if that fixes it, but make sure to re-enable it after you have narrowed it down. I never got RDPCheck to work either, and given the default setting that connections to localhost are not allowed, I think this tool creates more confusion than it's worth. I seem to remember reading somewhere that some other security checks had to be disabled just to get RDPCheck to work, which I think is a bad approach just to allow a testing tool to function correctly. So far the hack itself is working for me and I really like this approach instead of directly patching the DLL file. However, I have seen that it needs to be updated for different versions of the termsrv.dll file, so is it really as resilient to Windows Updates? Is this expected to work when a new termsrv.dll file is released as an update, or would rdpwrap and need to be updated for each new termsrv.dll version?
Of course, you need to log in multiple user accounts to enjoy concurrent sessions. But, you can also use the same user account for concurrent sessions, using this command: Code: reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fSingleSessionPerUser /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f RDP Wrapper mainly uses two techniques: 1) Hooking exported DLL WinAPI function used in: only Vista and Windows 7 2) Hooking / replacing internal functions used in: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and higher The first point allows remote connections and two concurrent sessions (as on Windows Server without Application Terminal Server role). It's fully automated and will work with new updates. The second point allows unlimited concurrent sessions and multiple sessions per one user. This part can't be easily automated, it requires to research each termsrv.dll version in IDA Pro to find appropriate offsets for functions, assembly instructions and variables in the memory. So, actually RDP Wrapper is really strong against updates for Vista and Windows 7 (except some extended features). For Windows 8 terminal services updates it isn't so adaptive, but it still remains in the system. Immunity against Windows Update means that it will stay in the system registry and will load with newer versions of terminal services though some features will be unavailable partially or entirely. Of course, I can implement autoupdate routine for RDP Wrapper, but this can lead to problems with antivirus software, etc. It is better to leave it to the server administrator.
8.1 one language, version of dll is 6.3.9600.17095. Installation log: \bin>RDPWInst.exe -i RDP Wrapper Library v1.3 Installer v2.2 Copyright (C) Stas'M Corp. 2014 [*] Installing... [*] Terminal Services version: 6.3.9600.17095 [+] TermService found (pid 3332). [*] Shared services found: CryptSvc, Dnscache, LanmanWorkstation, NlaSvc [*] Extracting files... [+] Folder created: C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\ [+] Extracted rdpw64 -> C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.dll [*] Configuring service library... [*] Checking dependencies... [*] Checking CertPropSvc... [*] Checking SessionEnv... [*] Terminating service... [*] Starting CryptSvc.. [*] Starting Dnscache... [-] StartService error (code 1056). [*] Starting LanmanWorkstation... [*] Starting NlaSvc... [-] StartService error (code 1056). [*] Starting TermService... [*] Configuring registry... [*] Configuring firewall... Ok. RDPchecker throws "Network level Authentication is required", telnet to localhost 3389 fails, and the port is not listened on (not sure if should, though). Firewall inbound rules configured. Reboot/service restart does not help - RDP to does not work. EDIT: Fixed. Turned out termsrv.dll was incorrectly modified before - some binary garbage in place of the strings mentioned. Restored from backup (to do that without reboot - find svchost that holds this dll and kill it), run RDPWinst.exe -u and RDPWInst.exe -i
Hey binarymaster! I just created this account to let you know how ridiculously awesome this tool is. Thank you for all your hard work.
Ive sent you a PM with MSU files and termsrv.dll pre extracted from the MSU files where applicable (apart from the arm versions), note as previously the msu contains two versions so ive labelled both versions for you with the right numbers.
isnt the whole point of the RDP wrapper project to be immune to windows updates? Did the most current wave up updates break this?
I think this update may break RDP concurrent sessions on Windows 8 and higher. Windows 7 and older will work with only 2 concurrent sessions. I'm already working on RDP Wrapper update. UPD: According to files information, termsrv.dll will be updated only in Windows Vista SP2 and Windows 7 SP1.
Wrong! That was just the advertising ploy to get you to try his app. Nothing makes you immune to windows updates except disabling windows updates.
RDP Wrapper has been updated! + bonus: created a new program for RDP user-friendly configuration. I think it will be very useful
After hexedting the last termserv only to have this last KB-induced-termsrv-death I broke down and decided to try the RDP wrapper. It's weird--the first dozen times I tried to run the exe or the bat file it didn't run, then I tried again and it worked. Like a charm!! Thanks binarymaster!!!! My only suggestion is to provide the 5 files as a zip--I couldn't figure out how to download the bat files from github.
It's very simple to download ZIP from GitHub: 1. Go to the repository root directory 2. You will see "Download ZIP" button at middle-right on the page 3. Just click it to download the distribution