lol...Actually only time itself is it's own master. I've noticed like a lot of things in life that when you aren't in resonance with something it is hard to feel or comprehend. So with everyone living in duration based, measurements of space as their time they pace their lives to then how unless someone unplugs from the usual system of thought can they ever experience what I define as "natural" now centered time <--- Where the magic is It's kinda like the If you don't know that your living in a dream world how can you ever wake Thank god for Food for thought
I suggest being one with what you wish to resonate with VS. be above or in a non equal manner Sometimes conquering something is not as important as being resonant and submitting to what you wish to understand! This is very difficult since most our upbringing is about competing with what we wish to understand and those seeking similar understandings Word for contemplation: Non-difference in a complete whole system universe where everything is indeed interconnected and similair in ultimate origins
I can haz time master title? htt p://img.ho sorry, but my post count is not big enough, can someone else save it so everyone else can see? sorry for bumping this ancient thread