As for the problem with the truncated strings in check.bat, I got backup to work in this specific case by changing line 9: for /F "usebackq tokens=3" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do SET themefile=%%A to for /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%A IN (`reg query "%KEY_NAME%" /v "%VALUE_NAME%" 2^>nul ^| find "%VALUE_NAME%"`) do SET themefile=%%A %%B However I still don't know if it would work in other cases where %%B is empty/not defined.
I don't have any Office, so I can't say. It just took me by surprise to see rearms go to 1 upon testing Auto_KMS. When I uninstalled Auto_KMS and rearmed the count did not go down to 0 as expected but to 4 instead. So it looks like switching the channel back from KMS restores rearms.
As interesting as this is we still have some things to work on with the rearm concept Testing of non-manual rearm and theme restore If service would work better than task and if it is easier to close personalize window then we will have to slowly but surely convert code to .vbs for API GUI I just want the rearm concept for W7 to be as perfect as it can be with my non-manual rearm and theme restore as that is without system modification as cool as it can get? Office 2010/13 needs only rearm to work with IORRT and is still working totally bitchen Again we're not testing IR6 install just the two Rearm Concept updates
Following issues remain: 1. If username contains a space theme backup doesn't work. See above, I still need a guru to confirm the necessary change. 2. Win7 Starter and Win7 HomeBasic have no themes, Starter doesn't even allow changing the background. Don't know yet how the backup/restore code will deal with that.
Good call on the Win7 Starter and Win7 HomeBasic with no themes! That is real helpful! We should do bypass in detecting Win7 Starter and Win7 HomeBasic or if we can with that OS detection put back theme it has generically So non-manual rearm is working without error?
The rearm works, I have done several turns in [Enterprise;Ultimate;Pro] so far. 4 rearms without SP and 5 with SP1. After getting some sleep I should tackle the lower editions. My guess is that on Starter we can skip backup/restore completely. The OS is protecting the background quite aggressively so it will either not black out or restore it itself. You need to pull quite a few registry tricks to have a different background on Starter, and it involves preventing modification of registry keys, which makes the backup/restore point moot. HomeBasic, I don't know, yet. Possibly it's sufficient to backup/restore the pure wallpaper. No theming supports also means no desktop slideshows AFAIK.
I'm not sure how my activation turned to 30 but when I activated the rearm it worked, Should I be worried because I used on off my rearms with doing "Install" ? I hope you get my question. and I used it when my activation was in 26 days.
Everything resets (rearms) to 5 when installing IR6! IR6 never activates but will put W7 to trial if you we're activated IR6 allows you to use W7 in trial for 6 months at a time between install IORRT for Office 2013 only needs to be installed once!
I'm kinda new to this but can you explain more? Like what is IR6 and is it something coming up or what? and what is the best time to use the rearm? and How can I check how many rearms I have
IR6 is almost 3 years old and use to be called IR4, IR5 and now IR6 It just lets you use W7 in the trial MS gives you It's pretty automatic so if you don't wish to be activated with Daz loader then it's an alternative to use W7 After you install IR6, you get 5 brand new rearms + 30 days So what happens is you let those 30 day rearms one by one run out and you get to use windows 7 without any nags and with same appearance and usage as if activated Their we're just 3 main solutions that people used to use W7 and the rearm concept (IR6) was one of them 1. BIOS emulation - Daz loader 2. KMS emulatoin - MS toolkit 3. Trial testing - IR6 So I've been custodian of this concept and every so often came up with ideas to make it more automatic We are at the end of this development soon Thanks for your questions TS
Thanks timsurfer for the answer, But I wanna ask something else, My Rearm count is 2 now, is there any way to reset it?
Same for HomeBasic. Restoring the TranscodedWallpaper works but we have to find a way to force a desktop reload. Otherwise the wallpaper changes after logoff/reboot. I think I got the backup to work in case username has spaces. D420, line 201: old ---> Code: echo for /F "usebackq tokens=3" %%%%A IN (`reg query "%%KEY_NAME%%" /v "%%VALUE_NAME%%" 2^^^>nul ^^^| find "%%VALUE_NAME%%"`) do SET themefile=%%%%A>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat new ---> Code: echo for /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%%%A IN (`reg query "%%KEY_NAME%%" /v "%%VALUE_NAME%%" 2^^^>nul ^^^| find "%%VALUE_NAME%%"`) do IF ~%%%%B==~ (SET themefile=%%%%A) ELSE (SET themefile=%%%%A %%%%B)>>%SystemDrive%\IR6\Check.bat Still need a guru to check this.
Nice finding . Seems to work in both cases now, for my normal account and one with a name with a space in it.