thanks done now just 1 question if I use option c restore/rearm now will that give me all rearms back? just wondered if it tell me how many rearms left
When you say done you need to be more specific! If by done you mean you used cody tool to activate which gave you one rearm and you installed IORRT then the restore/rearm button would do same thing as if you restarted your computer hence the Hybrid task would run or the IORRT task would run which restores daily hence: IORRT task Hybrid task Restore/rearm button all do same thing once IORRT is installed If you wanted to see how many rearms you have then before you installed IORRT after you activated with cody tool you should have used the "available" button but regardless IORRT needs only 1 rearm to function infinately
yer done what u said (thanks) it says 2 Available Rearms now will they just run out when Duality 420 runs itself every 30 days?
IORRT does backup of rearms and restores them at: Boot Daily so your current rearm state will never go past one day without restoring to state it was right after IORRT was installed The restore/rearm option is actually unnecessary but you can do status then restre/rearm and can witness backups restoring just like IORRT/Hybrid tasks do daily or at boot Open task scheduler and look in task scheduler library to see those two tasks, when they run and the IORRT.bat file located in the hidden IORRT folder in your system drive that does the actual restoring/rearming via the two tasks
Trilogy or Duality Hi timesurfer What is the best option for win7x64 with off2007retail: Trilogy or Duality? How to make auto task schedule so it runs silently once every 30 days - no popups and will not require any action on my part? Thanks
Trilogy 4.2/Duality 420 don't support Office 2007! No pop with IR5 with W7 x64 unless our comp is not on for task to run then you'll get msg, watermark, black desktop background. Then just rearm with IR5 and msg, watermark goes away but you have to reset desktop background Also IR5 needs re-installing every 6 months and like stated if comp is not on to run task you'll get msg, watermark, black desktop background If this W7 install is not for you maybe use Daz loader IORRT is different and will never need reinstalling or anything
Duality update: with all updates for 7sp1x64 and after installation of duality didn't restarted into <RE>.. boot it again with f8 but no chance .. Restarted as regular, duality said ir5 is installed ... no watermark Uninstalled ir5, install again and this time went to <RE>, on boot shows watermark which disappear, popup license with rearms left... where is ir5 on c?
First off updates don't affect IR5 During install IR5 puts IR5 batch file in system drive then deletes it upon restart After, rearms are set to 5 with 30 days = 180 days and only IR5 task is on system
Just follow IR5 instructions, every answer is there... The IR5.bat is for installation only and you'll never know it was there. After installation is done, only IR5 task is on system, nothing else
For someone who is always on their computer at say 9pm, it is wise to always install IR5 at that time/date since that is when initial task is installed and will run every thirty days Although, say it was day to automatically run IR5 task and comp was not on, then 3 days later you turned comp on and did rearm to get rid of watermark/msg's then at that time/date IR5 task will be reset to whole new time/date You can rearm any time however and thus will be changing time/date task can run every 30 days so if you installed at 5pm but comp that is usually on at 9pm you should reinstall IR5 at 9pm which takes 3 about minutes from install to reboot into W7
ok wanted to try ir5. (running w7x64) now i've got following problem: i don't have 30 days left. i only got 3 days left. someone knows why?
First we're you running other solutions prior on your OS? Also tell us how installation went with details please
was a clean install of windows. installation: bat at admin&select ir5 install. 2. after restarting (in recoverymode), i selected cmd and typed "C:IR5" (without quotes) 3. system restarted. i got 3 days left.
ok. i used an orginal iso i loaded directly from microsoft (it was for win professional) i'll try the iso you linked.